Scoring Irish video game characters

Randomly had the idea to score Irish video game characters out of ten, based on how well they represent what's it's like here and just how much I like them. Leave suggestions if you want. I'll also take fantasy characters if they're clearly Irish-coded and/or from Irish coded countries.

Nina being Irish is something you couldn't tell without the game telling you, because basically nothing she does indicates she's Irish. I googled her for this and one of the first results was 'fun fact, Nina is Irish' so that's definitely a bad sign. 3/10, she's still a cool character. Anna gives a slightly more Irish vibe, 4/10
Weird how the overblown stereotype is still better representation than Conor McGregor. 10/10, best character in the game.
The Saboteur
The Saboteur
The protagonist was based on a real life British person, who was made Irish in this game for some reason.

10/10 purely because England didn't get a character haha
Dark Souls II
Dark Souls II
One of the most beloved and influential game series of the last decade had Gilligan, an Irish guy, who openly calls you an eejit (idiot) which is pretty cool. 8/10
Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse
Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse
Look, Xander Mobus did his best with the accent, okay?
I do hope they have another Irish mythology inspired SMT game that isn't a weird companion piece tacked on.

Danu's cool too I guess.

9/10 for Dagda, 7/10 for Danu
Shin Megami Tensei V
Shin Megami Tensei V
Fionn Mac Cumhail is so cool I hope he gets something to do in Vengeance. 7/10
Borderlands 2
Borderlands 2
Mick Zaford accurately represents what being in Dublin past 8:45 PM is like. 9/10
My brother plays this and I asked him if he considered Moira a good Irish rep, and he said no. But I googled it and she has Irish voice lines, which is cool. More sentences than I could put together anyway. 9/10, my brother's an idiot.
The King of Fighters '99: Millennium Battle
The King of Fighters '99: Millennium Battle
Krizalid's in the same boat as Nina where he's cool but nothing indicates he's Irish. 4/10
The King of Fighters XI
The King of Fighters XI
Haven't played any games Oswald appears in but he passes the vibe check. 7/10
Guilty Gear: Strive
Guilty Gear: Strive
Happy Chaos was Irish when he was human. This is subtlety mentioned in his theme, starting with 'it took me ten years to find the answer to something, I forgot about it in two seconds' This a subtle reference to everybody's experience with learning the Irish language the second they graduate.

Also like Oswald, passes the vibe check better than Nina and Krizalid, 8/10
Red Dead Redemption
Red Dead Redemption
Irish is obviously an EXTREMELY outdated depiction. It should be clear that I've never seen someone passed out drunk rambling in public. These days it's mostly just crackheads trying to hide in a street corner. 2/10, give that man some rocks.
No More Heroes
No More Heroes
Henry passes the vibe check, 7/10.
Street Fighter 6
Street Fighter 6


1 month ago

The Saboteur note killed me

1 month ago

best list on the entire site perhaps (WHERE'S OUR IRISH SF REP CAPCOM FFS)

If I could make my own Irishman mention, Magnus McGilded from The Great Ace Attorney Adventures is a very entertaining character in the case he shows up in (though if you haven't played TGAA yet, be wary when looking him up as he's related to a VERY spoilery moment from the game).
Dark Souls 2 also had the Emerald Herald, which instantly makes it the best of the trilogy /jk

Great list though, as a fellow Irish person I always get flashbanged when I hear the accent.
Great list! I was inspired and made my own version with Brazilian characters

1 month ago

There’s an RPG called the Waylanders that’s heavily based around Irish/Celtic mythology. I’ve heard that it’s not that good though.
Koudelka's James is Irish and is the worst

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