Where the Final Fantasy franchise began. The Pixel Remaster version has beautiful sprite work and great arrangements of the OST. The difficulty leans on the easy side except for the beginning and the end of the game. I auto battled almost everything in between. It's a simple game but worth experiencing if you want to know where the series started and want to play a modern version with many QOL improvements when compared to the original NES release.

A fun puzzle platformer starring cute chimkin. The pixel art style and soundtrack are very pleasant. It has a few challenging spots but isn't too difficult overall. A nice game to play through casually between bigger releases.

The most ambitious out of the NES Final Fantasy trilogy. It introduced the job system that would be used in future installments, has 2 overworld maps and an underwater map, and has plenty of optional content as well. Unlike the first two PR's this one felt like it had better difficulty balancing overall, requiring some light grinding and strategizing to beat bosses. This one is easily my favourite of the NES Final Fantasy games.

The first Final Fantasy to heavily prioritize having a dramatic narrative. Although it stumbles in spots it still manages to be interesting and goes places that would have been mind blowing at the time of its original release. Final Fantasy IV is also the introduction of the Active Time Battle (ATB) system, has plenty of (sometimes annoying) side content, and contains the best OST of the first four games. It's one of the JRPG greats of the SNES era.

I got this game in a cereal box back when that was still a thing. Freddi Fish 3 was a very early PC game for me and so I have a lot of nostalgia for it. It's a really simple point and click adventure game targeted towards children but I think there's still entertainment value here for anyone interested in adventure games.

I got this game from a Scholastic catalogue my school handed out in class back in the early 2000s. I was obsessed with SpongeBob as a kid and probably played through this thing 10+ times. It's a surprisingly good point and click adventure game and worth giving a playthrough if you have nostalgia for SpongeBob.

It actually surprised me how into this game I ended up being. I started it because I was craving an old CRPG but I didn't go in with any expectations initially. Divinity is like a mix of Diablo + Ultima with a decently sized open world and some surprisingly interesting side quests. Unfortunately the endgame was extremely rushed and poorly balanced.

Unmodded Oblivion might have the worst progression system in the RPG genre because of its aggressive level scaling but some well written quest lines, silly NPC's, and strange bugs give it an undeniable charm.

The game that started many of the Final Fantasy traditions. The story is dark and surprisingly ambitious for its time but still feels dated compared to other games in the franchise due to the limitations of the NES version. It has an interesting but flawed leveling system that isn't too much of an issue here because the difficulty is less brutal than the original. Just like the previous game the sprite work and new OST arrangements are incredible.