I can already tell that this game is criminally under the radar right now. The kind of AA experience we all complain that we need more of. Will update this when I finish the game.

Man when the combat is on in this game it is ON. Ignoring the side stuff and playing the main missions has been good fun. Once you have enough tools at your disposal and end up battling 3-4 types of robots at once it can get downright cinematic.

Stripping out a lot of the open world tropes, bland side content, and piles of materials to scavenge and craft would do wonders.

Does more in 1 hour than you would ever expect and it's free. Great work by these devs.

This game truly is great from a design AND execution perspective. The downside is that it's a very dense set of game systems (with a lot of great tutorials) and is also quite hard. Add to that the expectation of Aliens games being mediocre at best and a genre that doesn't get a lot of love and it's clear why this has flown under the radar.

Make no mistake though. This game is everything you've ever wanted if you're a fan of both Aliens and tactical strategy games.

Really want to know what these guys do next because it's so clear that they have a LOT of passion for doing things right.

Dopamine simulator dressed up like Deep Rock Galactic. Perfection.

This is the best 40k Starship Troopers game I’ve ever played.

Tekken 7 but better in almost every way.

I know the guys wear their love for Obra Dinn on their sleeves but they also manage to distinguish themselves from it in a few ways. One of those is how each case is a nice self contained quick hit. This helps the game feel much less overwhelming than anticipated. There’s not much else like this out there.

One huge improvement that isn’t immediately evident is in the pacing of the difficulty curve. The first game was a nice ramp up but most of the hardest puzzles were all near the end. Talos 2 has groups of 8-10 puzzles starting with easy and a new mechanic each time then building to the hardest form of that puzzle. So important to keep giving the player those easy wins while teaching and layering new mechanics. Truly a masterclass in puzzle game design.


Such a touching and short game featuring an artistic style that I’ve not really seen before. The story is at once universal in its themes of family and raising children and very specific in its depiction of the struggles of Indian immigrants in the 1990s. This game gets very real in ways I was very much not expecting. Doesn’t overstay its welcome either. A rare story based game where I finished wanting to know more. Highly recommend this one.

I think the only thing holding this game back from greatness is perhaps some better ways of communicating the lore of the world and creating a stronger feeling of loss. The logs while appreciated felt dry and not as exciting to find as I played. The visual style and art team really smashed it though. Satisfying ending as well. Certainly very few other games accomplish climbing this well too.

This game felt great at first but the VR roots started showing quickly and then you realize you’re mostly just pressing play on a lot of pre recorded and WONDERFULLY acted voiceovers. I almost feel like this would have been better served as an audio only experience or podcast. Sometimes I’d have to find something to do with my hands like check my phone while listening to yet more exposition without gameplay. Very polished though… a nice experiment.

You guys I didn’t think Dead Space could get any better but it do be like that.

Okay so this game deserves 4 stars but I’m allergic to quick time events and playing too much Pokémon years ago has made simple RPG combat draining for me. I think for people maybe not as jaded by these mechanics this game would really sing.

I really appreciate how they are trying to elevate what would be a visual novel into something with a bit more crunch to it but dang I found myself just wanting the story bits.

People seem to be dragging on the skateboarding but I think it’s a great way to get around town that feels fresher than walking. Don’t @ me about the clunky skate challenges tho.

Need more games like this though. Well polished and committed to a focused game experience and designed from the ground up as a wholly inclusive experience.