Lovely tribute to classic survival horror and just impressive in general. Can't wait for the sequel.

Pretty short but you can see they had so much fun making this expansion.

The one where Larian's redemption arc started.

And they nailed it.

ey yo my boy Barry is back and he is the coolest

Pretty cool, doesn't do that much for me but I still have fun everytime I replay it.

I really enjoyed the game leaning more into hallucinations, even though the story itself does not add much.

There are some new, but very easy puzzles.

New enemies and especially the last boss are extremely frustrating - who the hell thought it would be a great idea to add an electric discharge attack when Jacob's movement and fighting animations are as slow as a turtle; or last boss's ground slam that most of the time is unavoidable.

Short, interesting, atmoshperic, huge heads.

It tries to take stuff from Dead Space, but it's not as fun or interesting.

Great visuals and animations (took some decent photos, even though photo mode is lackluster), nice atmoshpere (bad jumpscares and annoying QTEs though), simple and very tedious melee combat, uninspired story and enemy design.

I don't really know what to think. It's not a great game, nor is it as bad as people tend to say. It's just somewhere in the middle. There is a potential in the IP and I hope SDS will be able to make improvements in a possible sequel.

Better than the first one in almost every way (I prefer EW1's art direction).
Play it on nightmare, it gives a reasonable challenge in the first couple of chapters.

I really wanted to like it, but I couldn't. AI is extremely bad, tactical gameplay is very unpolished, and shooting is infuriating.

i like shooting stormtroopers, what's more to say

Just more of Dark Forces 2, minus FMVs (pain). Don't touch it if you cannot bear some old school clunkiness.

It shows its age, but it is still a very enjoyable game.

I despise first levels without a lighsaber because shooting in this game (and in Jedi Academy) straight out sucks. But after getting the laser sword, it's awesome.

I love it, I replay it every year, and yes, I'm absolutely biased.