Does a 25 hour game of hide and seek sound good? If so this is the game for you!

I'll admit the game can be legit exhilarating and terrifying, especially the first few times you encounter the Xenomorph, but how many times can you play the same game of cat and mouse and witness the same death animation before it gets stale?

The game has some incredible atmosphere and this honestly could've been a masterpiece and one of my fave horror games if it was a fraction of the length that it is because it is a cool concept, but it just wears out its welcome after 10 hours or so unfortunately and I have no desire to ever come back to it.

Persona + Ys + Trails = Tokyo Xanadu

This was my first Falcom game back in 2018. I was looking for Persona styled alternatives and a friend recommended it to me. Fast forward a couple years after I've played the entire Trails and Ys series and I'd say it's one of my least favorite Falcom games, but it's still great regardless.

Story is pretty much a generic 2000s shounen and the characters are very trope-y, but it's still compelling because Falcom writers are top notch and know how to keep things interesting.

Combat is like Ys mixed with the orbment system of Cold Steel. It's a lot of fun.

Dungeon design is kinda weak, but the OST is incredible as with all Falcom so it makes up for it.

The game also has tons of references to Trails and Ys so if you're a fan of those series it's worth a playthrough just for that.

I typically enjoy the musou genre a lot and I rarely drop games, but this one was just very boring overall and the stealth sequences were horrible.

Just as awesome as the first game, with greater emphasis on the Zelda aspects featuring even more killer dungeons and clever puzzles alongside heavier A-RPG elements including skill trees, a Diablo-like loot system (Which isn't as obnoxious here as it is in most games that utilize it) and special abilities. The story is kinda filler compared to the first game, but Death is a cool protagonist so that makes up for it a little.

A great game, but a bit overrated in the fanbase and far from the best in the series (I consider it the worst of the 3) let alone the best VN of all time like a lot of people try to claim. Loved the darker and serious atmosphere of the first, but this one just devolves into too much absurdity and comedy at times. Plus the cast isn't as strong as the 1st or 3rd games, but the writing of the actual trials and over-aching mystery is more complex from the 1st game at least and most of the new gameplay additions (Aside from the hell that is the new Hangman's Gambit) are very much appreciated and add extra depth to the gameplay aspect.

Wolfo Zelda based around Japanese myth and folklore. Incredibly fun and unique gameplay, engaging story and world, great level design and bosses and killer OST. It deserves all the praise it gets. An iconic classic and masterpiece for a reason.


It has potential to be fun with friends if you like MOBAs. These types of games just aren't for me personally though

A fun, but repetitive and simplistic arena fighting game with an enjoyable 'What if?' styled fan-service story, great stage design, vast roster of characters and good music. Naturally if you're a Jojo fan you'll enjoy it more, but even then it most likely isn't going to land on an 'all time fave games' list for most people.

Far from the worst game I've ever played, but I wouldn't call it good either and can't say I'd ever recommend it. A very generic and repetitive beat em up that you can finish in a couple hours and honestly, you're better off spending those hours on something else.

Good mystery dungeon styled rogue-like game with a lot of interesting mechanics. Cute story and character interactions, great voice acting too. If you are a Touhou fan you're missing out if you don't play this one.

A modern Power Rangers beat em up could've been cool if even the slightest amount of effort was put into it, but this game doesn't have that. The controls are horrible, there's no variety to the enemies and they are damage sponges. The combat would be fun if not for horrible hitboxes, but Megazord battles are boring and there's just no original ideas in the game. Oh and the worst thing of all is there's no online co-op. The game feels more like a student project than something that would be published by such a huge company like Bandai Namco. Avoid this game because there's just nothing of value aside from some nostalgic value and a good cartoon art style.

It's a good game, but I'll never understand why people believe it's some masterpiece and the greatest Sonic game compared to the classic Sega Genesis trilogy, those games are just so much more memorable to me and this feels pretty generic, almost everything this game does I've seen done in older Sonic titles, but better. What do I know though? That's probably just my nostalgia speaking since I grew up with those games.

A cool and ambitious concept, maybe a bit too ambitious for its own good. The gameplay is pretty janky and sometimes not that enjoyable, but Komaru is honestly up there with some of the best DR characters and this game fleshed out Toko a lot more too. Solid story and great character interactions. Really makes you feel bad for the child antagonists as well.

Sailor Moon meets Persona with a lot of yuri undertones. It's a decent game especially if you like the mahou shoujo genre and we seriously need more magical girl games as far as I am concerned. Story is a little generic, but solid and characters are very trope-y, but still decent. The OST is actually great and the gameplay is way too easy and simplistic, but it's certainly still worth a playthrough if you're a fan of the magical girl genre or like social sims

Chaotic mindless fun that's enjoyable for a couple hours, but it's a bit too simplistic and gets old quick, plus there's no real replay value.