The groundwork for the best lightsaber combat in the entire Star Wars video game library, paired with the best use of force abilities within said lightsaber combat.

Got Fallen Order for 15 bucks on a steam sale and it was well worth that price. A few more force abilities would've been cool but the selection given plays very well with what's probably the second best lightsaber combat in the Star Wars vidya library, as well some very fun platforming, exploration, and spectacle. Some of the puzzles kind of sucked (or in some cases just didn't work for some reason), but besides that, exploring and investigating the solid 4-5 planets, all of which have beautiful scenery and solid level design, was a blast.

The combat is also fantastic since it copycats from Sekiro, the best combat system Fromsoft has conceived. Your dodges and rolls kind of suck and enemy tracking is very aggressive, so you're intended to either block or parry normal attacks. Parrying a blaster shot will send it directly back to whichever shmuck brought a blaster to a lightsaber fight, and using the double-bladed saber to do that to a whole squad in one or two R1 holds never ever gets old. Playing aggressive with aggressive enemies and having a mix of parries and dodges is much more fun to me than spam roll until an opening presents itself.

Not having a fucking crafting or equipment system was really nice too. Your exploration is awarded with estus-like heal charges and cool colors for your poncho. And just the sheer factor of having wearable ponchos with physics raises this game from a 4 to 4.5 out of 5.

Everything besides the parkour and traversal was either boring or utterly unfun for me. Unless you grind up your survivor level, melee weapons are utterly worthless by endgame due to how scaling works. So I spent the majority of encounters either cheesing zombie AI or using overpowered guns that I got via dlc. Either way, the combat didn't feel engaging or interesting once I reached a certain point. That was probably partially my fault, since I elected to rush through the story mode, doing minimal side content, and in this game, side content and survivor level are actually important, which I was never made aware of until the final boss was dead. But I also didn't want to play this game for any longer than necessary, since by the time the zombies started out-scaling me, I was already growing tired of being outscaled and I just thought the game was "like this".

If you play Dying Light, run as much side content as you can to get your survivor level up, particularly airdrops and doing stuff at night for the double XP. If you don't, the whole thing will be a slog by the time you reach Old Town. Cause apparently in the first person shooter action parkour zombie game with no health bars, your numbers matter.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is fantastic game, but you already knew that, because you're already a slave to its memes. Control the memes, and you control the world.

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Peak Pirate kino.
The freerunning locales are surprisingly robust for a post AC3 game running with the same system. Combat is incredibly braindead easy and very fun for what it is. And the ship combat, improved from the 3 system, is clearly the highlight and the primary activity.

In addition, Edward Kenway is one of the better written protagonists since Ezio. Following a similar journey from a reckless drunkard idealist into a tempered warrior with a purpose higher than coin.

Hope you like circling around big boats and swinging onto them to kill everyone aboard cause you'll be doing that a LOT, and it somehow never gets old.

Except for the ship stealth sections those can fuck themselves. The best part of the boat """""stealth""""" sections is when you get off the fucking boat and get to jump around on trees shooting crocodiles and stabbing dudes.

The beginning of the end for the Assassin's Creed franchise and it shows. This is where most people got fatigued with the formula and it doesn't help that III is the worst iteration of said formula. Swapping out the fun mechanics and beautifully constructed freerunning locales from the Ezio trilogy with a dependence on horse riding, a shitty open world wilderness filled with collectables you'll ignore, and the WORST cities in the franchise. Boston and New York have wide streets that fail to make decent use of the modified parkour system, and you won't want to use the rooftops anyway because they're swarming with redcoats who'll see you from half the map away. The best part of the freerunning is the linear and branching tree paths, they make you feel like a funny little tree goblin skittering among the branches waiting for an isolated Cracka to hang dead by the neck.

My run was incredibly buggy and I had to restart missions several times due to something just straight up breaking. Though I played the port of the original, I don't know anything about the remake. I don't care about the remake, wake me up when they remaster Revelations.

The story missions are a mix of the occasional good stealth mission or setpiece, along with a deluge of shitty quests about Conner being awkwardly inserted into every historical event that happened over the course of the Revolution. Historians don't want you to know that the guy who was actually riding Paul Revere's horse was an autistic quiet native dude in a funny white hood. The same funny white hooded man who singlehandedly fought off a battalion of redcoats during the harbor incident, and directed all of Washington's battles.

Conner as a character is bland at worst and an acquired taste at best. If you don't read into his actions, he comes across as stiff and annoying. But going through the story and the optional homestead missions will reveal him to be a tragic figure, an angry, naïve man who spends the entire game trying to save a village that was doomed from the start.

The design for his coat and the tomahawk go stupid hard and combat is the best part of this game, when the human shield prompt decides to work.


The beginning of Ezio's journey from a vengeful brat to a wise elder. When people say they love Assassin's Creed, they usually mean games like this.

If they mean games like Valhalla that's when you pull out the blicky and let it pop.

Last guy who ran off on the pack got choked out by some Da Vinci gauntlets. The last thing he ever saw was the price tag on them, slowly faded into darkness and I let the archangels take him.

Playing this and Valhalla back to back gave me whiplash sufficient to kill an ace combat protag. This was the peak, it didn't get much better than this without trading off for SOMETHING. Besides the tower defense shit you have to engage with like once ever, Revelations just DID NOT MISS. From the gorgeous Constantinople setting, the parkour in this beautiful dense city aided with the invaluable hookblade, to the conclusion of Ezio's story and his PERFECTLY rugged dripset.

Brotherhood's recruit system retained, so you get to build a network of homies who kill shit and get goodies for you over the course of the game. Pretty often I just didn't wanna waste good metal on an opp so I sic'd the boys on him.

Revelations introduces a bomb crafting system that never gets used again, gassing jannies by the half dozen was overpowered as shit but never got old once.

100%ed this game on a borrowed copy and whenever I have the money to do so, I'll buy it on steam and do it again. All I recommend is getting some swing speed mods cause the PS4 being such a dogshit piece of technology meant they had to nerf Spidey a bit.

The second most ugly game I've loved. The perfect sewer goop diving simulator. Really makes you FEEL like a malnourished vagrant.

Be careful, this is one of those forever games. DRG combines my three favorite things, rewarding exploration, good cooperative play, and racism against elves.

Another forever game. Don't get me started on World. This game was my life for a solid year, the only thing holding it back is the godawful servers that render online play nearly unplayable.