A very impressive take on the metroidvania style that stands out amongst the best in the genre. Fun and intuitive gameplay alongside some creative storytelling made for a special experience that will stick with me for a while


A game that wears its inspirations on its sleeve but does not copy then and puts its own spin on it. A charming design with a fun combat system to accompany it which is not too difficult or too easy, alongside a very fun and nostalgic way of explaining the mechanics to the player whilst also not holding their hands allow for some very fun times alongside a surprisingly emotional tale.

just like the first dlc this was saved by the final boss encounter but it also went on like 10 minutes too long. A shame as I was hoping to end the game on a high note. The music is the stand out of the entire expansion pass and this one is no different.

I will start things off by saying this is Team Ninja's best story game, which is not saying much with the track record but they do let some characters really shine with their writing and backstories, there are also some who are forgettable.

In regards to gameplay this feels Team Ninja to the core and if you are familiar with their previous work, you will settle in pretty nice and easily with this one. This game features "allies" who you take along with your missions but as someone who likes to do things solo, the forced emphasis on the duo boss fights becomes a bit tedious after a while and becomes slightly discouraging when wanting to go about the game on your own.

The open world is exactly as I expected, the normal ubisoft formula but luckily it has its own twist with allowing your open world to become more open with the ties to the world you strengthen but it is still bogged down by repetitive activities which do kind of sully the experience.

Overall I enjoyed this outing but I do think I prefer the approach of the more linear Team Ninja games but I will applaud them for trying something out of their comfort zone even if they did not nail it.

I had such an incredibly fun time exploring this brilliantly handcrafted world and experiencing the exhilarating combat. My only issue was some of the worlds weaker enemies become tiresome but it does nothing to take away just what an achievement this game is.
This feels very similar to the original but I feel that is by design as the developers finally had a chance to make the game they truly wanted to make.

This game has some of my favourite moments in the series and helps add so much to the characters we are familiar with, and a finale that is truly a spectacle to witness. The game has many moments that remind me why I am a final fantasy fan but unfortunately everything surrounding that story feels like it was made to force me away from the game. The game features a typical open world Ubisoft design with its "towers" to unlock activities on the map and I do truly wonder how this game gets a free pass on such mediocrity where other games get criticized for it. It is fine in the first area of the game where it is all new but by the time it happens for the 5th time, it is purely eye rolling "oh...again" and I wish they could have come up with something much more creative for the world that deserves it.

Ultimately I enjoyed my time with the main story, even though there are slight areas of padding, I simply cannot give it a higher mark because of how much the open world aspects of the game ruined my overall enjoyment and at times made it hard to push through and see the story to the end.

This game to me can be best summed up as "Better than the sum of its parts" When the game shines, it shines bright, but its low points also suffer the same fate.

I must first credit the directing, cinematography, and voice acting for this game. Every department that worked on the presentation of this game deserves massive credit for bringing it to life. 10/10 in that regard.

However, I struggle a lot with the overall game design and implementation of its quest structure and it suffers the most from this in the mid-section of the game and it brings its pacing to a screeching halt. Most of the side quests and even some MSQ quests suffer from modern game design and if something like this was in a Ubisoft game, people would be crapping in all over it, but with this being a FF game, people seem to let it get away with it. I don't know if it is a consequence of most of the 14 team being in control but you can feel the MMO influence and not in a good way.

The combat of the game is superb though, the abilities you gain throughout the game add so many layers on how to approach combat that I never felt myself getting bored or it having a sense of staleness to it.

Overall I enjoyed this game immensely but I can't pretend to not see its shortcomings, it is a fantastic new entry into the Final Fantasy series and I think it was needed after 15, and it excels in many departments but its flaws stop it from being achieving what it sets out to.