You can tell they ran out of budget near the end, especially with the ending. It actually is pretty smooth sailing until the Proving Grounds as a replacement for actual boss fights suck absolute ass and ruins the experience, bad destruction derby mechanics, bad physics and AI that either feels like it's cheating or absolutely braindead (Spoilers after this)

The final boss being a three phase fight in the Proving Grounds where the bosses canonically cheat and somehow are 20x better than before. 200 seconds each round and if you fail you have to go back to round one, easy 3.5-4 stars if this whole thing was removed entirely and replaced with some proper boss fights or something but it reeks that they just couldn't finish it.

It's a good action game but I had issues with some early game bosses being more difficult than they really should've, killed a lot of my early game motivation.

Despite the year gap between me starting and finishing this game, I nearly remember everything about it. It was a joy to play and a blast to finish. I highly recommend this entry in the "Ys" series and now I look forward to playing previous and future titles!

It may be the worst Dark Souls game of the trilogy but it's certainly far from a bad game. Some aspects are very questionable or downright bad but it's not a bad game because of it, it does many things I wish returned in future games (Which some have in Elden Ring) but it is what it is. Good game.

Decided to finally beat Pikmin, this time on Wii. It's great but skme aspects are really frustrating with how dumb the AI can be and the enemy spam at the last section, including the final boss. Either way I still enjoyed my time with the game and recommend it to any long time fans or first timers especially with the Switch release!

Fantastic game, amazing follow up to the original, can't wait to go for Replicant

Great game and evolution on the Pikmin Formula, can't wait for Pikmin 4!

This game sucked I watched the anime instead.

My friend hyped it up saying it's really good, it felt it was really cluttered with too much compared to the first two, and Doc Robot fights were probably the worst part of the package.

A fun game with a lot of sharp edges that needed sanding down, but never got it even with the remaster. Played the original with a friend since it was ironically easier to set up. I still love this game dearly since I grew up with it, I hope you take a chance to play it. The original on emulator because this is too difficult to set up with a real console and the Remaster offers lackluster multiplayer compared to the original, solo would be totally fine there however

This game has many flaws, but looking past them I had a pretty enjoyable time, some really frustrating times but either way I can recommend it. Story in my opinion was well worth the play through

That sure was Kirby's Adventure

It certainly was Metroid Zero Mission. I was enjoying the game through most of the beginning then the Speed Booster was introduced and with it Shinesparking. It seemed fine at first but some of the puzzles just were out of my league and ruined my fun. A lot were super tight and I couldn't 100% the game like I was originally planning mostly due to being tired (I finished the game at 5am) and not being very good when it came to quick precise inputs which some of the shinespark puzzles required, kinda soured my experience overall and just wanted the game to end after awhile.

First time actually beating all of the original Sonic trilogy, most of it holds up honestly except for Metropolis Zone and most of Sonic 1 lol. Otherwise Sonic 3&K was really hype and was probably my favorite of the bunch.