94 Reviews liked by D1ckandballz

Scary voice doesn't say Resident Evil Four when you press 'New Game', wouldn't recommend.

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Yep finished the story and got the "ending" finally. (SPOILER WARNING)

Was the story worth it for all the torture of boredom it gave me?

You see before I say my answer I wrote here tons of paragraph after paragraph with describing my feelings after every chapter but after reading it I realized I said the same things from my previous review but with only more expanded version.

So... You see. I removed that and Shortened because of it. So short version is, If you care about the Lore so much, you are gonna enjoy this game. But If you like a main story that have proper build ups and pay offs...

Heck NO.

Because this is just a shounen story that the friendship defeats the evil saves the day, that's all. Also a bad one for me. I felt No one had chemistry with each other, other than Fio and the monster.

After the depressing events of the automata somehow this game's events feels so out of place with it's forced "sad mini copy paste stories" and tacked on super duper happy ending.

Correct me if I am wrong but this game literally implies 2B rather than fighting with her life depended on it, could had just run to the red girl and scream "let's be friends!" Then everything could have been get solved magically (⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠) ?

No thanks.

It's always morally correct to make fun of gacha games.

I played this with a friend on discord at 3 am and it was the funniest shit ever. It’s so bad I don’t know how some critics seriously gave this horrible horrible story a good review back in the day. But it’s exactly the right kind of trash it’s like watching the real life Super Mario movie or Venom, it might be shit but it’s super entertaining. Bad game buy it.

Good story for a movie, as a game it's very boring.

Not very good, but very entertaining for the wrong reasons. I remember when this game first launched and it was viewed as a pretty impressive piece of art... man. I'm glad to see that more people have flipped on this game after they started to recognize a pattern in David Cage's writing.

This game is still worth a playthrough or watch because of how unintentionally funny it is. Just make sure that you fail every single QTE prompt when you're chasing a guy through a grocery store.

Warning: This essay contains visceral descriptions of mental illness. What was initially intended as more of a critique of The Last of Us Part 2’s narrative became something much more personal, and I don’t want to give a false impression of what this is based on the website it’s posted to. To reiterate, this is intensely personal. Proceed with caution.

What would you do if your life’s purpose was pulled out from under you? How do we find solace in a world that seems to revel in taking everything it can from you? Is it worth living when stability is the only thing protecting you from cold uncertainty? Fundamentally, these questions define both The Last of Us and The Last of Us Part 2. While these extremely open-ended questions are answered in appropriately differing ways in both games, they are used as the backdrop to frame almost every character action in them. In the same way that Joel’s yearning to maintain the only thing that resembles stability in his life endeared many players to the first game, Ellie’s quest of seemingly aimless vengeance polarized many when playing its sequel. It tests players’ willingness to go through the same things its characters go through rather than taking more than a few safe roads. It helped me realize my own answers to the questions it asks of Joel and Ellie, and it’s difficult for me to go more than a day without thinking about them. I love The Last of Us, but The Last of Us Part 2 is bolder, more poignant, and unforgettable.

Despite this essay primarily being a gushfest about The Last of Us Part 2, I still believe the first game displays a large amount of character complexity, but I think the response to its narrative was born out of a character that one can easily relate to. The only thing that stands between Joel and his closest loved one is three people that are about to kill her. Would you not do the same to preserve the last person tethering you to sanity? Personally, I believe that there are very few people in the world who wouldn’t make the same decision in Joel’s shoes. This isn’t to say that this makes Joel’s character simple or easily read, it makes him painfully human. Through all of the murder and zombies, we all see a bit of ourselves in Joel. Framed ambiguously, this contributed greatly to the success of The Last of Us’s narrative with a wide audience. It was a perfect storm of relatability, shock value, fuel for disingenuous water cooler talk, and just plain good character writing. People talk about the negative effect that The Last of Us had on Triple A games, but as far as I’m concerned, studios should take more cues from its simple yet effective writing.

It seemed to most people that The Last of Us Part 2 was a shot into left field compared to the first game, but where else could the series feasibly go? The events of its narrative are bold for high budget games, but I struggle to think of a more natural continuation from the first game’s story. Joel even foreshadows the events of the second game when he tells Ellie how broken he was after losing Sarah. We’re not privy to the 20 years between Joel’s loss and him meeting Ellie. The theme of retaliation against a brutal world is obscured by this time skip to show its evolution: finding solace in what little mercy the world has given you. In that way, both games in this series represent two sides of the same coin. There is solace to be found in Abby’s part of the game, and her story is kind of like an abridged version of Joel’s story in the first game. This time Naughty Dog even included the part where the character finds little meaning in a path defined by hate, almost to yell at the player what they were supposed to learn from Joel. There is much to be said about Abby and how her life is destroyed in different ways compared to Ellie, but honestly I’m not extremely interested in her as a character. I like it in the same way I like the first game, but it doesn’t affect me in a strong way. Ellie’s story wouldn’t work as well without Abby’s, but its value to me is almost entirely predicated on how it improves Ellie’s character.

Perhaps my initial response to this game was so different because of how I see Ellie. Ellie, in my experience, is the closest any fictional character has ever come to accurately portraying my mental illness. The willingness to go to great lengths to show people that the world can be just as grim to them as it is to you, even at the expense of your own wellbeing, hit impossibly close to home for me. My depression isn’t defined by withdrawal, but lashing out at others so they can feel the same pain I do. The fear that everyone will either abandon me of their own volition, or do so before I make peace with it is one that permeates my waking thoughts. I’m not proud of this urge, as it gnaws its way into the way I interact with others. It imparts a hostility to my interactions with others, as my inert response is that they will leave me or hate me. It doesn’t sit well with me when I gain a sick satisfaction out of pushing people away, and just ending it before I get too attached. The few people that I can’t push away despite my best efforts are the only stability I have, and I’m not sure what I’ll do when I lose them. So when Ellie returns to the world all the violence it has shown her because it took away her stability, it made more sense to me than anything anyone has done in any other story. It spoke to me like no doctor or therapist or counselor has ever come close to doing before. All I needed to know was that I wasn’t alone in what I felt; that all the emotions I feel so ashamed of were validated in a strange way, and done with so much uncomfortable accuracy. When the end of the game revealed its hand, and Ellie was left with exactly what she had feared the most, I felt more fear than I had in any enemy encounter. It was as if the writers of the game dispelled the facade with which they were communicating to me through, and told me the bitter truth of my life. This game’s narrative certainly didn’t fix me, but it allowed me to accept that I’m not the only person who bears this curse. It’s the curse of remembering people through their polar moments, only recognizing the best and worst that someone has shown you. It’s focusing on that bad until you lose them, and then reaching out desperately for the good that you ignored the whole way.

I’ve attempted to rationalize The Last of Us Part 2 being my favorite game through the lens of its holistic qualities, believing that its characters, themes, and gameplay were markedly better than many of its competitors. It was my attempt to bridge the gap between what I knew as the most profoundly touching piece of media I had ever consumed, and what most others saw as a solid third person action game. The truth is that for most people, that’s exactly what this game will be. Like most Naughty Dog games, its appeal comes from the combination of many things done well. There will always be a stealth game with more depth, a more complex character study, and a more focused narrative. It’s easy to be ashamed of a story you like almost strictly based on its emotional resonance with you. Recognizing that it’s that story’s ability to reach out and comfort you beyond the very text that contains it is when you let go of that shame, and it’s where that story’s true value lies. Allow yourself to love and be loved by the stories you read and the characters you meet.

A game as good as it is depressing

Im not here to argue about the price. Games go on sale all the time, and 70 dollars just looks like it's gonna be the new norm. It sucks but thats just how it is. Quality is not equivalent to price, same with game length.

Was this remake necessary? No. The remastered version on ps4 still holds up really well and is still great looking. You could say that this remake does mess with the art style of the original and id agree. But anybody can just share compressed twitter screenshots. When you're there playing it the game looks phenomenal, and HDR doesnt translate well to pictures anyway.

Price and necessity aside, this is an incredible remake. They couldn't implement all of Part II's gameplay without changing up the level design, but what they added is more than enough to make the game feel so much better. I dont see people mention enough of just how great the sequel is to play despite that being the most common complaint against the original. and if all you wanted was for that level of intensity and smoothness combined with the genuine perfect levels of stortyelling of the first game: this product damn well delivers.

Unmatched. I would die for Ellie and I'd take the planet with me if I had to.

soooo close to saying anything.. but it completely fumbles the bag
At least Conner and Hank made this worth it

Good story, obvious symbolism...Alright gameplay, pretty interactive

It's not that scary and I'm waiting for an explanation as to who pays the electricity bill here.

Few games have scared me as much as this one, which alone makes it worthwhile.