Best name for a video game ever.

I'm 21, and decided to try the old first two Tony Hawk games on the PS1, and these were amazing. But my skateboard addiction was not fulfilled. I tried this PSP port of Tony Hawk Underground 2, and I'm AMAZED. A shit ton of amazing levels, with old levels as bonuses, a trick editor, a big solo campaign with semi open-world objectives, alongside a classic old school campaign, an amazing soundtrack, funny animations, and a great customization value (my character is a suited gentleman skeleton with the gold chain of Flavor Flav). And you have to think about it : it was released in 2005, when the DS only appears, and you have AN OPEN WORLD SKATEBOARDING GAME with a SHIT TON OF CONTENT, that you can play in your toilets or during a road trip ? Yeah, this is easily one of the best skate game ever made.

But it have some issues :
- The maps are often composed of tiny corridors, with the shitty camera and the sometimes clunky physics, this can be really tedious at times.
- No more skatepark creator, I'm sad.
- A few glitches here and there.

But nothing to stop the fun !

As a big walking simulator enjoyer, I was thrilled to try this classic. I found flOwer nice, and was in a pretty good mood to try Journey. But yeah, the game is overrated. This is kinda poetic, I guess, but the world, the exploration, the movements are average at best. This is not the worst I've played (Neo Brutalism of Tomorrow and Cloud Climbers were wayyyy worse) but it's just... meh.

If I were with another person, maybe my experience of the game would be better, but sadly I played the game alone.

Played this on the PSP, the level design is great, but the maps all look alike, the physics is a bit janky, and the whole destruction thing is less impressive than in a Burnout or a FlatOut game. The soundtrack is amazing. Overall it's a fun game, but not a great one.


One of the only Cecile Richard's games I've played (yet) and I loved this one (still hesitating between a 3,5 and a 4 stars). Ive played quite a few Bitsy games, and I think this one is my fav for now.

Even if the game is a bit stale and not that exciting for hardcore players of the franchise, this is such a generous package to people new to the Forza Horizon games, with a shit ton of cars, content and stuff to do ! A really fun entry-level sim-cade.

This is a study case in my opinion, I've never seen something quite like it. Amazing artistic ideas dragged down by an non-matching artstyle. Some beautiful poetic moments, dragged down by the horrendous caricatures the three main characters are. This is so real, yet so fake.

I feel like at the time this was a little bomb. I'm not the biggest fan of Jeff material but this compilation is top notch. The sequel of Mutant Camels is really better than the first one, some new games with really fun concepts like Hallucin-O-Bomblets and Synchro II are making an appearance, and we even got a light version of Psychedelia ! If you want to try Jeff's old games and you don't know where to start, this is the good stuff, you basically have the whole package in this tape !

So, for only 2 pounds at the time, you got a version of gridrunner with a load of levels, different ships with a wide variety of controls and a lot of fun ? Yeah that's a deal. R-Type was out the same year if I remember, and this was probably the second or third best shooting game of this year, considering the whole "low budget" aspect of it.

I'm not the biggest fan of Don'tNod. When Jusant came out, everyone liked it, and I was like "Nice, let's give it a try some day !". The whole concept of a meditative climbing game was fun to me. I tried the game today, and wow. This is SO bad in every way possible.

Let's start with the good. The gameplay works and the use of both hands feels fun and natural. That's it.

Now let's go with every little things wrong with this game. The music is horribly generic. The level design is painfully linear, never letting the player find some creative solutions or hidden things to climb with, we have invisible walls everywhere. The only ways that differs from the "main" line are only to show some bad written lore pieces.
The game is bland in every way possible, and doesn't understand the thrill of climbing, the fast decision making, the fear of falling (you can't fall or die in this game, cause there is invisible walls everywhere and your character automatically take the rope if you have the idea of climbing without a rope.). Even in chill climbing games like A Short Hike, you can fall from heights. The "new mechanics" are stuff we've already seen in a million games, like moving platforms, platforms you need to activate or platforms that have a small amount of time before falling. As said, the game is bland, generic and boring in every possible way.

Life Is Strange proved me Don'tNod doesnt know how to write. Jusant proved me Don'tNod doesnt know how to Game Design.

(sorry for my bad english)

One of the best runners on the market, you should check it out !

One of the better use of "playing with expectations" in a game. This is a die-n-retry rage type platformer, but cut into little levels, making the playing way more fun and less frustrating. Each level is fun in is own way. You should try !

I don't care about the meta aspect of Davey's games. If this game is so damn good, it's because it normalize the use and making of experimental games, which can be a major inspiration for young creators and help young players seeing far beyond the "game fun, game good", WHILE also having a vast understanding of Game Design and how to play with expectations (a thing he already did in Stanley Parable). Truly a Beginner's Guide I guess.

I don't know who added the game here but thanks :)