9 reviews liked by Daimonic

This is just a blanket review for all forms of tetris this game fucks dude. Tetris is like my go to ride or die dog. This game cured cancer and beat hitler its so good.

A game that is intentionally frustrating to play. Darkness obscures the words you are meant to read, only a third of your screen displays the world of the game. This is a game in which, like the benches it displays, you are not meant to linger.

I thought Zaeed was kinda cool when I first met him but then I got him back to the ship and this MF starts telling all these cringey stories everytime I look at any object in his musty ass room for more than a second. "Oh that paperclip? I once killed three krogans inside an elevator with that thing for looking at me funny. Didn't even break a sweat. Did I mention how much money I have? (also 6 foot tall by the way)" Shut the fuck up bro your companion mission is boring as hell and you literally join my crew after two dialogue choices outside a parking lot, stop tryna act tough. Why would anyone pick this guy when the top G Grunt is available as a companion.

Put me to sleep faster then I have ever been put to sleep. If I wanted to read a book I would go to the library

Even tho the mini games are very tedious and rage inducing the story itself is just hilarious and honestly the 3 endings possible are just funny af and at the same time pretty satisfying considering things don't always go smoothly with these games. This is easily the best Larry game especially in terms of sexual content as well. I wish Larry got more luck with the ladies but im guessing they didn't want to stray off too far from his uncle's games.

More 'fun' to play than - say - Cyberpunk 2077, but somehow more of a splintered mess that barely runs correctly. I never got the appeal of these types of misogynistic, crass, painfully unfunny dudebro sex-capades whether it be movies, shows, or video games and this one is no different. I'd estimate that maybe one out of every fifteen or twenty jokes actually even come close to landing, and it features one of the absolute most abysmal combat systems of the 2000s. There's constant framerate blackouts and hitbox problems, and most of the missions are your usual brainless fetch quests or remedial tasks like loading crates as slow as humanly possible. Though I confess that there is a certain slimy appeal to its randomly stacked voice cast which includes the likes of Peter Graves, Artie Lange, Jane Lynch, Patrick Warburton, etc. And I have to admit that I think it has a really crisp, cartoony color palette that would look great on an actual good game unlike this one. But also how was this ever allowed to be released in this state?

Lost many a nut to this one. This game is not good, it’s just here for a good time. 🥴

This game needs to be reimagined as a point and d*ck adventure

the title is actually just describing the directors penis