Man i don´t know, there is nothing going for this game, like, nothing.

At least is not analog horror.

Good game but the " REALLY SPOOKY VHS ANALOG HORROR" screen effect made me want to vomit every second of this game, it´s horrendous.

I actually really liked the part tha- BLEEEUUUURRGHHH//!11H1HHHHHhhh1h//hHHHHhhh

A little confusing but cool concept, message and nice ending!

Go play it, is free in and not very long!

President I sat on the big "Send a 50 ton Nuke to New York" button


Quick, charming and Ds screen destroyer, good!

Nice and cute game with really really good music. I love getting tiny serotonin shots every time I see something on screen I will later go to pick up.

Actually way way better than expected. Movement is awesome, the secrets really cool and overall a really really fun game.

It even susprised me how you can express jokes just with gameplay visuals, I really laughed with the fish in world 4

Just what I needed! Lucky! Bravo!!!!

This game is so bad it's unbeliveable

The story can't be more corny and predicteable, the characters are emotionless wood planks, the recycled elements to make the game last more than an hour (why would you want that???) unnecesary, the game lags on a ps5, and yes, my favourite treat, stupid unfunny instakill chase sequences where if you die you start again from the start, put like 5 of them pls and make the last one last half an hour.

Couldn't bring myself to complete the last huggy wuggy scape chase scene, the game really feels like a roblox scary chase escape map with good graphics.

The entirety of my brain cannot condence a single particle of understanding of how you have the budget to make a big game and make something that fails in almost every elemental basic stuff you could put in a horror game, or a game in general.

What a stinker.

I was really surprised of how good this game is, I´ve never seen anyone talk about it but is a really really good roguelike. The health based gameplay is nice and unique, the items are really fun and they actually alter the gameplay quite a lot and the amount of content the game has it´s unbelieveable.

It saddens me a lot seeing people that only played 1-2 runs and left it there, the game has so much content to offer than even after 20 runs you keep seeing new stuff never seen before.

And the creator seems really nice and keeps updating the game and listening to their community.

If you want to play a roguelike similar to Gungeon, this one will greatly surprise you, it´s really good looking with awesome music and a really good overall gameplay filled with a looooooott of content. Even if I have already seen the credits there is a lot of stuff still to do so I will keep playing and enjoying it, go play it yourself.

Really good looking, astonoshingly good music and quite a lot of charm.

But most important of all, this game is really really fun, I can move better and more freely in this game than in real life. If you are looking for a fast-paced plataformer, go for this one, you won't regret it. Awesome game.

I hated this game so hard at the start, the levels were beyond horrendous, there was too much DS1 fanservice, too many unpredictable oneshots and the combat felt really spam focus sometimes.

I dont know why i put that in past tense they still are true fire the level design team for the love of god.

But the bosses... the bosses, threre´s no words for it.
The theming, the lore, the soundtrack, the actual gameplay, THE FEELING of these bosses is unmatched, and they keep getting better and better. I can feel my asscheeks crumble with how epic every fight feels, you really feel like you fucked up beyond repair and you are gonna get torn apart into a pixelated pile of flesh. A duel between a old god and the little Scrimbo Blimbo with a tiny lance, the bosses are so good is almost unbeliveable how they cooked so hard.

Hard to admit with how much i sharted this game in the beggining (really really hate the level design and unpredictable oneshots), but it gets really really better in the second half and now I honestly kinda love it, my character The Pope Quandale Dingle XVIII had a ton of fun purging every living thing in line of sight with no reason whatsoever.

Now that i have fully completed all the souls games, there´s a huge void in my chest, man, these games are truly truly something else, wish i could go back to play them again, but just revisiting the memories I have of the good and bullshit moments, honestly, is good enough, what a nice journey.

This game hasn´t aged really well, but is so corny and 2000´s that I can let the huge problems it has pass, like, if I played this game as a kid it would probably has been rad as fuck.

I won´t even rant about all the shit it has, it´s an old game and it shows, there´s nothing wrong about it and I think it doesn´t deserve me malding over a boss being reused for the 4th time.

The new gameplay stuff thrown at random and the clear inspirations in RE4 are really cool, also, I can clearly see how Bayonetta got inspired by this game.

Nice start for Dante, will check the other games, I see everybody saying that the second one is worse than an open heart surgery without anesthesia, I´ll check it soon.

Really charming, I love the artstyle they chose and the fact that they made it in a week is really surprising. The enormous love the developers have for Celeste is really heartwarming what an awesome game.

My autistic brain rewarded me with a dosis of serotonin when I sank all the platforms because my inside voices told me to and I got the last strawberry I needed, again, awesome game

After playing some triple A games, an indie can feel like eating hand-made cookies at your grandma's house, maybe they aren't as good as cookies from a bakery, but they make you feel a sensation of warmth inside you.

Wavetale is charged with love, the game looks gorgeous, the artwork, character design and overall aesthetic of the game is really really good. And in the same pack comes a really awesome soundtrack that fits it perfectly and some very loveable and charismatic characters.

The protagonist Sigrid feels AMAZING to control, she has a ton of very fun mechanics to toy around and move freely that made exploring the world the best part about the game.

And as i said the best part for me by far, is the world. The worldbuilding is insanely good, the background of how things happened and ended that way isn't just told by the story, but just looking at the world itself and how well crafted it is. That's why it saddens me a little how simple and nothing sandwich is the story, like, it isn't bad by any mean but i almost everything is told at the end in long cutscenes and I feel bad that all the very noticeable work in world building gets used for almost nothing in a very simple and predictable story carried by their lovable characters.

And by the love of god, DO NOT PLAY IT ON THE SWITCH WORST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE, the game looks good and plays fine most of the time but the framerate is almost HORRENDEOUS in certain parts, my experience got tainted because of getting stuck in various floor clipping, bugged missions and bosses that makes your console a powerpoint slide, I know the switch is a difficult console to port games but the game plays really really poorly even for a Switch game and it's a shame because on other hardware the game looks way way better.

In conclusion, great game, not much else to say about it, it excels on anything except story and is a neat little adventure. Awesome characters, gorgeous visuals, lots of creativity and really great game overall.