Might be the best narrative Venom has had in the history of the character ever. I enjoyed how multiple playable characters were used. There's not many flaws with this title, but I will say there were a little too many fake out deaths to be as emotionally high as the first game. That said, this is definitely the better than the original overall when it comes to gameplay and other aspects of the storyline.

The story was a lot more interesting than every other Atlus game I've played. I think if a remake gave it a lot of quality of life improvements to make its gameplay match that of newer entries then it could be a solid half a star higher. Besides gameplay the only flaw I have to say is it surprisingly did not make me cry like 4 and 5 did.

The original Portopia Serial Murder Case is a 40 year old classic that revolutionized the entire video game industry. Despite that it never actually got a remake until now. Surely a remake of a 40 year old game would be better than the original right? WRONG! While the visuals are much better, this game has a huge glaring flaw. You need to actually type in your responses rather than selecting from a list of options. That doesn't sound too bad at first but once you realize you have no idea what you're actually trying to do it becomes a guessing game to figuring out what words you need to type to progress. What's worse is that most NPCs have basic and vague responses that aren't even a real response to what you say sometimes. The point of AI text is that it can learn and respond based on what you do but this game doesn't even do that so it feels like false advertising.

Xenosaga characters in the first tutorial level. <3

The story feels like a beta to Xenoblade 2 (which I'm a huge fan of) so it was very interesting to look into.

TBH I think I would've gave up if there were not save states. Movement feels slow and the difficulty was cranked up for no appearently reason.

If this game has a follow up then perhaps it could've been looked back on as a nice set up game but most of its story is building up to a sequel that doesn't exist. That of course means you will absolutely feel let down by the story aspect of the game, even if you're a fan of the previous games. In terms of gameplay and dungeon design it does actually have some neat ideas but I don't think they're enough on their own for me to recommend this game.

Time travel is insanely cool especially if it's used right and this game is the definition of using it right. Easily in the top 10 best SNES game that aged surprisingly very well. Great characters, great story, monsters are in the overworld, etc. There's just so much the game does right. It's a timeless masterpiece.

Interesting concept but poor execution that promotes safety hazards. It's also kinda not that engaging.

Easily the best Dragon Quest. Each chapter gets progressively better until eventually each character groups up for one epic final chapter. Some chapters feel super unique like when you play as a shopkeeper with a goal of making money. Not to mention it has a great villain and extra content added to the remake.

I like how the series shifted from fighting Dracula in his home to traveling across Europe to defeat an even greater evil AKA the british. Jokes aside, the many settings were super unique and made the levels stand out more. I like that there's two different playable characters and that each one plays a bit different. It adds some slight replayable but Castlevania 3 still takes the cake in that regard.

The story is a little slow at first but it picks up a lot and the combat is really unique. Definitely a underrated Game Cube gem. Would recommend especially if you're into other Monolithsoft games like the Xeno series.

A platformer with a lot of charm. It's a bit on the short side but each world has tons of unique ideas and it was very enjoyable. Definitely my favorite indie platformer.

The DLC adds nice extra levels, costumes, etc. It really fleshes out the game with more content.

A entire series of games for like $40 is a absolute steal; especially when several of the games are bangers.

The gameplay was pretty fun. Kind of like Fire Emblem but with a more standard 4 characters in the party.

The story started nice and progressively got better. The ending was great and the game had a lot of nice characters. Great game.