Arguably the greatest game ever made. It changed the way 3D action games were made. It's held up exceptionally well considering how old of a game it is. I won't say much else, just go play this gem. Also the RE4HD Project is absolutely worth getting if you have this on PC. It's the only way I can play this now.

This is such an underrated gem. Holds up extremely well and balances the horror, action, and puzzle solving of the Resident Evil games in a way that feels really good. The only gripe I have is that there is no new game feature. If you want to replay the game, you have to start with all your guns and upgrades unlocked. That's normally fine but I can't fathom why there isn't an option to start a fresh new game with no unlocks. It's a huge pet peeve of mine. Otherwise this game is fantastic.

RIP Tango Gameworks. You put out one final masterpiece and were unjustly shutdown by a mega corporation who doesn't give a fuck about gamers. This game is full of soul and experimentation. You can feel the love the devs put into this. The combat basically takes what Metal: Hellsinger did but uses Devil May Cry as it's foundation instead of Doom. Easy to pickup with a high skill ceiling especially on higher difficulties. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, functions within the beat. Your goal is to play to the beat and be creative within it. It's so rewarding to pull off combos in this way. It feels like adding your own flair to the song. It's art style reminds me of the cartoons of the early to mid 2000s. The story and characters are fun. There is no preaching, no politics and no bloat. There was also no marketing which I love since marketing is the bane of the modern games industry. This is a video game in it's purest form and harkens back to a time where video games were a niche hobby enjoyed by people who truly cared. People who wanted to escape the modern hellscape they exist in.

Everything has been said about this game. It's one of the greats. Everyone should play it even if you don't play video games. I play this version on emulator with a high res texture pack and the touch screen mapped to buttons and it's an amazing and comfy experience. Love this game.

This game is truly ass. It is as bad as the internet makes it out. It's so bland and boring. I still think people should play at least the first few levels just to truly experience a legit bad game. Then drop it.

This was peak kino. I had the privilege of playing this on Xbox 360 back in 2009 and it is to date the greatest multiplayer experience I've ever had. This was still early online multiplayer and it was wild. The balance was broken in all the right ways. The trash talking was over the top. And the campaign was legit and super fun. I will always have fond memories of this time.

The level of fapping some people give this game is unreal to me. It's very good, the combat is fast paced and pushes you to utilize all of the tools in your arsenal. But the level design feels mediocre. Doom 2016 felt like there were more secrets and collectables to discover. There were also barely any cutscenes where this game stops gameplay more often to explain lore and it's story that doesn't matter. It's Doom. You kill demons. Doom 2016 understood this and started you off almost immediately into gameplay. It was so refreshing to play. This game while still being very high quality felt less impressive and felt like it was catering to youtubers and normies.

It's a travesty that this is locked to the Gamecube. I know it can be emulated but this deserves a port. Ike is to date the only protagonist in Fire Emblem history that isn't of noble blood or isn't some god/dragon deity. I bring this up because it allows this game to do the traditional Fire Emblem story but from the perspective of a commoner. Elincia is the more typical FE protagonist. Inexperienced noble who's kingdom is invaded and taken over by a power hungry villain who has to find allies to help her restore the throne. Except in this game, Ike is your main character and the world is shown through his eyes. I really like this because it's the same basic story but they iterate enough to make it feel different. The worldbuilding of Tellius feels very fleshed out. I like how the story feels split into arcs and you can see Ike grow as a leader. The gameplay will feel much simpler than the modern games but it's simplicity is refreshing compared to some of the modern games that utilize reclassing and skills. If you can emulate it play it. Do not pay for a copy it's bs that it costs hundreds of dollars. Port this Nintendo.

My first souls game. The vibe and aesthetic of this game is unmatched even within the Souls games. The fact that this is still locked to PS4/PS5 is unbelievable and shameful. More people should play this game. I firmly believe this and Sekiro should've been the direction Fromsoft goes with the Souls formula. The enhanced aggression of enemies and bosses is balanced with the increased movement options and rally mechanic that the Hunter has. This is a must play.

If you want to get into the Resident Evil series, this is the place to start. This is the greatest remake in the history of video games and sits among the greatest survival horror games to ever be made.

All I heard was how shit this game was from every video I would see. A friend of mine who loves the series constantly told me how bad this game was. I'm hear to say that while the rest of the games (besides DMC2) are better, this game isn't bad. The combat is fun and easy to pickup. There are a ton of different difficulties and game modes to pick from that changes up the gameplay. I personally enjoy the fact that you play as just Dante. DMC4 and DMC5 switching characters around is cool but I prefer to have one protagonist that I can familiarize myself with. The story is mid and cringe but I swear the people that rip it apart take these games way to seriously. I'm sorry but none of the DMC games have amazing stories. 3 is probably the best and is still cheesy, goofy and non-serious. The difference is this story is insanely tryhard but I love it. Don't take it so seriously and laugh a little and you might enjoy this.

Really cool concept. Wish we got more games like this. It's got some jank but it doesn't get in the way. In fact it's kind of nostalgic.

Combat is fun and makes you feel powerful. Some of the missions that make stealth a requirement can suck since Talion is so strong you could easily just fight your way through hordes of orcs. Story is interesting but if you don't know much about the lotr lore it can fall flat. It's a basic revenge story otherwise.