My Top 8 SNES Games

I didn’t grow up with the SNES. I was a Genesis kid through and through but I did get the opportunity to play some amazing games such as Donkey Kong country, Super Mario World, and more at my friends house. As I got to highschool I got a SNES at a thrift store for 20 bucks with Super Mario World, A link to the past, Donkey Kong country, and Act Raiser. I loved playing these games and over the years we’re able to play more and more. The snes is a great console with amazing games. You may be shocked to not see ff6 or earthbound here but I haven’t beaten them. I’m in middle of playing them but don’t think it’s fair to include until I’ve had that full experience. The 16 bit era was one of the greats. Though the Genesis and snes wars waged we all get to enjoy these games in peace today.