18 reviews liked by Denyku

One of the finest examples of a reboot to a beloved series being morphed into this image;



Don't judge me. My first JRPG. Fell in love. Gorgeous art design. Enchanting soundtrack.

peak jank rpg of 2000s with terrible controls, mediocre voice acting and ugly as sin... still love the game and replay it every so often because of how good it is.

The only Forza game I've played and I plan to keep it that way because I doubt I would enjoy myself anymore than I did with this.

All of the fable games are perfect. Half a star off for the weird art style they went with.

This review was written before the game released

you will never see me again when this comes out

the final Assassins Creed game

This game hasn't come out yet but I don't AF. Wonder Woman has the fattest ass in DC and an even fatter thurst for combat. She is going to fuck up Ares and end the game beating the shit out of Steve Trevor. Dumping him for Cheetah. Can't wait 5/5.

Who would have thought that a PS3 exclusive game with a puppet show aesthetic would have such a creative and fun story. Great platforming gameplay combined with fantastic voice acting and a sense of style that is utterly unique.