The global release of this is my most anticipated game of all time because I have a new job with a long train commute starting on exactly June 1st, 2024 so it’s going to be awesome having something to play on those commutes

I hate that stupid fucking pussy ass song that all the shippers squeal over. Why couldn’t they get real music like Metallica?

You fucks would be calling the decision to make the final boss a Smash Bros match against the CEO of EA “Reddit shit” if it wasn’t for your auteur theory circlejerk around Suda

“Oh haha this guy gave gave it a 0.5 and the actual content review is going to be something positive!”
NO! Fuck this game! Boring edgelord shit that people only like because they can pretend to see games as art!

Basic bitch cliff notes understanding of the most mainstream psychologists and philosophers possible. Dan Hentschel says more about psychology than this garbage.

You can tell SMT fans lack media literacy because they’ll say that the Massacre route is just “edgelord shit” and “cheap shock value” when it has a very clear and extremely important message: Beatles fans like Nanashi are the most immoral people on the planet

Bill Clinton was right about this series and one of the many problems with his shitty fucking crime bill was that it didn’t call for everyone behind this game’s creation to be locked up without trial

They call it SMT 4 because it’s SMT 4 people who get no bitches and stack no paper

Brilliant deconstruction of violence in video games, portraying it as a monotonous and never ending cycle through meticulously crafted rout maps with constant reinforcements

Preaching to me about how violence is bad? Fucking loser

Can’t get into it cause the character John is just that unlikeable
I hope something bad happens to him

Pathologic for people who actually have things going on in their lives instead of watching two hour video essays

I relate to this game because I’m dealing with an imposter myself