267 Reviews liked by DetJerry

I can't remember who I played, but whoever it was was the best and the rest of the characters are dumb and stinky. Goodbye.

Ice knight was my boi. Shadow wizard money gang build only. Imagine not being a spellcaster.

Game fun but also kind of hard. Not that long if I remember right, but I played this shit years ago.



I am Necropolis. Perfect game only meant for the greatest strategic minds. If you haven't studied the art of combat like I have, spamming upgraded Liches with the Cloak of the Undead King, then you stand no chance. I remember long nights with my older brother, pulling all nighters and playing this game for 16 hours straight or some shit. This shit doesn't get old. The soundtrack is amazing and the art design is still amazing (genuinely up there with SotN in terms of how good it looks). I love this game with all my jellies.

Not quite as good as HoMM III, also spellcasting isn't as good and square tiles aren't as fun as hexagons. Also, why is the level up tree hidden the way it is. Overall, still a really good HoMM game. Worth playing.

Only reason not 5 cuz Anthony win everytime. Assyria for the win.

Big fun time with big friends. Gets less scary the more you play which makes it not quite as exciting later. Haven't messed around with all the mods that exist, so who knows.

Very cute game if you like MLP. Would highly recommend to all my bronies. I played this a while ago but forgot to log it.

I am Deedlit. I am a bodacious babe. This game is pretty sick, good combat, cool systems, fun exploration. Going to 100% it soon, but that stupid ass bow training achievement exists. Only real cons I can think of for the game are no omega horizontal movement option (but we do got SotN backdash which is sick as fuck), omega vertical option isn't infinite, and it's a little short. Overall, really good shit, I'll probably watch the anime at some point.

the goopy vampire survivors lobe of my brain has activated, it likes this

if you came here for balls, this game gives a lot of balls, and the balls move fast when you tell them too. i love balls.

a somewhat charming but janky platformer that brings u on a pretty sweet ass adventure, just to say fuck you in the end.

between the sometimes awful level design, bad map navigation, and random difficulty spikes, the charm and character are here but just like the office space in the game itself, it’s lacking something in every department.

didn't beat it and probably won't, but fuck it's kinda funny