21819 Reviews liked by Detectivefail

Not my type of game. Just killing my PS Plus backlog.

Killing my ps plus backlog. Did not enjoy this.

Fun for a bit until...it wasn't anymore. I don't tend to enjoy RPGs, but the only way I was going to give this one a try was on VR, so I'm glad I did.

I'm done with the story mode, but will probably keep playing. Fun game, even if the music and gameplay not totally fit together. A really good time, I'm glad this is one of my last PSVR games, it's a good way to start saying goodbye to the system.



I'm realizing something lately, I don't have to force myself to play a game and try to enjoy it. Yeah, I wasted money, but it's even worse if I waste time on something I'm not having fun with. I tried to enjoy this with my wife, but she wasn't really into it. My friends? Same. And to be honest, I also didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would. It's a shame really, but you learn this way.

It was fun for a while, but this is just not my type of game. Really fun for a bit though.

Fun to play with Sony 3D Audio and with adaptive triggers, sadly, not my type of game.

Very good jumpscares and shooter mechanics, even if it's very simple. I got scared multiple times, but that's probably because the game uses a lot of stuff that I'm specifically afraid of, not sure if I would say it's scary on itself. All in all, one of the more enjoyables (if you can call it that) experience I've had in PSVR.

It's an okay game, but probably the weakest game in the Mario series. But you gotta give props to Nintendo for making a whole Mario game fit in such small package.

Gameplay wise is not so great, but it's a tale full charm, sadness, and hope. You know where everything is going, but still, the ending doesn't fail to hit you. For that alone it deserves a look.

It's okay, but I got bored with it pretty quickly. It doesn't do anything different than other games in the same genre, so it failed to grab me to be honest. It was fine for what it was, but I got distracted by other games and I had no interest in returning to this one.

I remember this one! At a time when social media was in its infancy, you had this or tetris as ways to distract yourself in class, or to help while waiting for the next teacher to arrive. I remember thinking it was cool that the game was in color, and just wasting a ton of time on it. I got pretty good at it! Even the cover brings back memories, my phone was damaged by the end, so it would take forever to open the game, so I had this image burned in my brain. I can even remember a particularly boring teacher, that would force us to give him our cellphones at the start of his class, so I would draw the cover of the game on my notebook, from pure memory. Such nostalgia.

My journey to the 1000 games badge begins with this one. I was always intrigued by the cover, and with this goal (and checking the lenght in howlongtobeat) I decided to try it out. It's honestly not that terrible, it's just okay-ish enough. I enjoyed my (short) time with it, but to be honest, I'm never coming back to this. Can't even see myself telling my friends to try it out. The cover is still funny, so it gets half a point for that.

It's one of the RE titles I've taken the longest to finish. It's not really scary or particularly difficult (it's a lot of back and forth in a cruise ship, so if you don't learn the paths to go from one place to another is going to be difficult, but if you do it's a pretty easy game). The only positives is playing with Jill Valentine again, and seeing what she's doing between games.
Other than that, the story is generic, confusing and have twists that you don't see coming (because of how dumb they are). Is not a bad game, but certainly not the best of the franchise. Only meant to be played if you're like me and trying to fill the RE void between releases.

Completed: 2h 31min
100% complete: 3h 16min