295 Reviews liked by Dizzy

This is one little game I will always return to

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While I wish there was a bit more new content than what we got, Brad’s Nightmare sequence is genuinely one of the coolest things they could’ve added.

Going through the sequence blind was actually a bit unsettling (shoutout to the only animated battle sprites in the game). Manifestation of Marty is also one of the coolest fights fights in the game, giving you the opportunity to simultaneously use a lot of your characters, while also having the slight turmoil of seeing them all slowly get taken away as the fight progresses.

Absolutely phenomenal super-boss with some great additional lore bits.

more borderlands but with lesser writing and mostly the same gameplay as before

if you rate this game low its because youre bad at it

this game is like Yoko Taro’s wet dreams

Ahoy fun but also confusing story

Just played it again still perfect

Ahoy i thought it would have phoenix but he is not in it. There is a new guy for this one maybe skip them it is not worth it


tetsujin is one of the most unique shooters in the genre for how it validates conventionally god-awful gameplay with incredibly thick atmosphere. it's a game about being trapped in a hunk of metal, stumbling through corridors that invoke claustrophobia and dread. you have few allies (one, to be exact) and a pretty vague goal, but ultimately the only thing that really matters is getting to the top of the tower you inexplicably awoke within

but what if you took all that away? what if - in the name of "sequel improvements" and "quality of life" - you amped up the movement speed? how about ironing out the framerate? or adding regenerative health and ammo? what if enemies were a little more satisfying to shoot at and the gunplay was a smidge "better"? how about if you tossed a more ambitious narrative into the mix? and what if you included an automap?

well, you'd end up with something that essentially puts on the shell of tetsujin but doesn't actually feel anything like being inside of that shell. you'd get a 90s blockbuster with a japanese sci fi twist. you'd get a lesser clone of wolfenstein with more interesting art direction and some nice cutscenes

you'd get tetsujin returns - and honestly, maybe that's something you want - maybe you even would prefer it over the original. it depends on where your priorities lay, but if you enjoyed that for everything this game isn't, then you're ultimately going to be left feeling disappointed

it's decent and it does reach some atmospheric heights toward the end, but overall everything feels pretty misguided and unaware of what made its predecessor so bold

if i was at the arcade i think i wouldve just spent $400 in quarters on one arcade playthrough. thankfully i stole this and didnt support anybody involved, and in fact i hope the AI designer went bankrupt after this project and may it never see a sequel

If you do not like this game you do not like video games