Played on Switch with a rewind button. An action puzzler with intriguing mechanics.

I got this for Christmas one year and remember playing the hell out of it. I need to revisit it soon.

Utterly despise this game. The camera is atrocious and the mechanics are wonky at best.

The mission in which you have to protect a bunch of folks floating in a gigantic pool as evil speedboats try to come and abduct them is, well, a highlight.

There is a home video of me getting this game for my third birthday and that probably accounts for one of the stars out of the three. That said, I have several good memories of playing this throughout my childhood and it still holds up today. Other than the rubber band AI, that is.

Difficult but so so addictive. Without the cheat code to start the game from the last level you died on, this would be nearly impossible to complete.

One of those games that, even as a child, I was able to complete it. It was difficult, but never overly so. It also helped that it included a difficulty setting!

A fun way to play several of Capcom’s licensed Disney titles from the NES era. Boss Rush and Time Attack features are an interesting distraction after you’ve completed the main games.

A game based on my favorite movie? Not to mention the midi version of Goonies R Good Enough that plays on repeat throughout most of the game. 4 very deserved stars!

An underrated gem of the Wii era. It beautifully illustrated what the Wii and its motion controls were capable of, and it did it in an absolute charming way.

As a kid that was a massive fan of the cartoon and toy line, this always felt like a really poor translation of the property. The subsequent side-scrolling beat-em-ups were more my speed.

To say that I was obsessed with all news and updates of this game before it released would be an understatement. It did not disappoint upon its release.

My first foray into the world of tactics games, and I was addicted. I probably put over 100 hours into this overall and am really hoping for a new entry (or even just a port) on Switch someday!

I wanted to love this. I looked forward to its release for years. But it’s a buggy mess on PS5 and, honestly, a bit monotonous. I’ll probably revisit it at some point, but for now it’ll remain on my shelf.

This game was the absolute shit back in the day. I remember seeing a commercial for this and thinking that graphics couldn’t get any better. The multiplayer was also incredibly fun, if only for the ability to play as characters from other Bond films.