14 Reviews liked by Dogeleros32

corporate has advised me not to share my opinions on rance (character). just know that id touch him in odd ways.

Ontology prob the best theme of all time

This game's story is so good when smt fans aren't constantly telling you that it's shit.

My favorite video game.

A beautiful story of self-destruction. Max Payne's heightened superhero levels of slo-mo and shoot dodging abilities here are not able to save anyone. This is a story primary featuring the surviving characters from the original Max Payne and by the end of Max Payne 2, all except for Max have been killed.

The only real problems I have with Max Payne 2 are minor. Explosive barrels take way to long to blow up. By the time they do, you've around ran slo-mo circles around the cleaners and blasted them with dual uzis. If I had to say what's really a problem in this game it would be the overuse of the same levels. They recycle most of them in some way. You go through the fun house three times, until they have to finally let the place blow up.

I've seen several reviews on YouTube claiming they don't understand Max falling for Mona Sax. They say this "Mona thing" happened over a couple days, how could he be so deeply in love with her? Max Payne is a noir character and he's destined to lust for Mona until the bitter end. It's really out of his control. Max Payne 1 played with Norse mythology and Max Payne 2 explores the American mythology of the hardboiled hero and the femme fatale. He's a deadly killer, she's a deadly killer, and there is no way for both of them to get out of this alive.

y'all ever read tsukihime

Thanks to this game I know way more about Japanese swordfighting than I ever wanted to.

Akane is truly the protagonist of all time

Wow! I sure do love these fight scenes, would be a shame if there was a 30 minute r*pe scene to interrupt this interesting moment-

???: My ideas are fading... i will soon become a shadow of my former identity... Kazutaka Kodaka... I need you to create a game... call it Danganronpa: Ultra Despair Girls... Fill it with my ideals.

Kodaka: Yes sir... I promise I shall enact your wishes perfectly

(The mystery figure reveals itself from the shadows)
Jeffrey Epstein: Do not disappoint me.

they don't make them like this anymore, man. everything about final fantasy x bleeds unfettered confidence and an uncontrollable optimism for games as a medium of art and entertainment alike; not only did kitase and his posse clearly believe video games could Be More but they were doing everything in their power to make those dreams corporeal, to make the future of games become a "here and now" rather than some distant aspiration that video games could one day hope to touch. it's really funny how hallmark western titles like braid or the last of us that would come in the ballpark of a decade later were lauded as "games finally being art," or kojima's insistent and insensitive portrayals of sexual assault in metal gear solid v to apparently "validate" games as art suggest an insecurity in the form, a need to prove itself, when squaresoft in their prime knew games were something special and were putting in all the legwork they could to make people see that and had been doing that since the eighties.

though i treasure final fantasy xvi, i can't help but look at it as having fallen to the same insecurity i alluded to in the aforementioned western titles - which makes ffx's confidence in itself and celebration of its own achievements all the more commanding of respect and admiration. yoshi-p wanted a return to a more conventional fantasy setting so he neutered a lot of the whimsy and off-the-wall wackiness from final fantasy for a grim-and-grisly dark fantasy setting inspired by the hot-button fantasy stories of the era such as game of thrones and god of war. what did kitase do whenever his fanbase demanded a return to a traditional european fantasy setting? he acted in direct defiance of that and instead looked to the folklore, customs, cultures and traditions of east and southeast asia (in particular okinawa) and started from the ground up, sculpting every aspect of the game to make something unlike anything final fantasy had ever seen or would ever see again. that even bleeds into its storytelling - sure, final fantasy x gets a lot of flak as the "goofy" one due to tidus's infamous laugh (fuck you it's one of the best romance scenes in all of final fantasy) or its loud-and-proud nature as a product of the turn of the millenia, but i think this is probably final fantasy's most gripping and eloquent political narrative... even and especially in comparison to the more "serious" political final fantasy games such as tactics, xii and (again) xvi. while a lot of political narratives in jrpgs tend to more broadly broach abstract ideas about classism, imperialism and war, final fantasy x's politics are rooted firmly in okinawa's historical relationship with mainland japan and the ties therein with institutional religion in modern-day japan. it's an aggressively japanese game in just about every manner, to the point where i can't help but wonder if there's a tie between ffx being the laughingstock of the series in the mid-to-late 00s and the really racist hatred of japanese games in the west during the seventh console gen... hmm

speaking of the seventh gen and onward it feels like every single way that developers try to flex the power of their hardware and their grasp over it is just graphics, graphics, graphics, to the point where we're getting diminishing returns and the games just flatly don't look all that great because they're bereft of visual direction and identity. i'm not really gonna do much talking about x's graphics (although this is STILL probably one of the best-looking ps2 games, especially those fmvs - oh my god!)... again, compensating for something, forgetting what makes games what they are. like yeah, games are a medium of art capable of conveying powerful messages and emotions like any other medium, but games are fun too! and man, what a better way to flex the capabilities of the recently-launched playstation 2 by making final fantasy x a GAME's game on top of all the shit it has to say as a story. there's so much shit to do in this game, man. it seems like every other nook and cranny has some minigame, sidequest or post-game content for you to sink your teeth into, squaresoft just packing all this random bullshit into this game because they COULD. like fuck, did you know there's a butterfly hunting minigame in the macalania lake? i sure as hell didn't until this playthrough!

i can't help but mourn what games have become and the state of the industry over the past decade and some change. square enix is a shell of its former self between its unbelievably slimy business practices and the increasingly-cynical nature of its output and middling quality of its games. final fantasy x seems like a relic of a bygone era that we can never return to, a reminder of better times, and a testament to the potential that video games in the AAA sphere have broadly failed to live up to.

but - true to the game's main message - final fantasy x also acts as a reminder of what games can be, what we can hope for and expect out of games, and a reminder that games are not inherently as rotten as the industry nowadays would lead you to believe. who knows? i certainly don't, but i also don't want to just give up and accept the stagnation that games have broadly been reduced to, or resign myself that this spiral of cynical corporate product-pushing is all that there is.

and i don't have to, really. the glory days of the aaa sphere might be over, but making games (and sharing them) is easier than ever. the titans of tomorrow are getting their start now with nothing more than their passion for the medium and a desire to connect with people whose passion matches theirs. ultimately, that's what brings people together to begin with: shared convictions, shared faith, shared ideals and shared love for their favorite things in the world.

and when that love brings people together and unites them in a common belief, thus enabling them to exert their will upon the world at whatever scale their numbers and determination allow for... things change. isn't it wonderful?

That's it? That's Dies Irae? That's just gay men having sex

I abruptly get off my bed. I do fifty-seven push-ups and perform seventeen prayers in front of my Bird Lithe poster. As per usual, I wear my yellow and blue coloured outfit, Bird Lithe themed respectively. I open my computer, greeted as usual by my Bird Lithe themed wallpaper. I log on to discord. I call the filthy, lowly men slurs while i hit on several women at once imitating my hero Bird Lithe. I jump into the shower. The water dashes over my clothes furiously while i likewise, furiously knead the usual soap across my body (did you guess it's bird Lithe scented). I dash outside butt ass naked. I find myself falling into the usual existential crisis. Maybe Bird Lithe was the real me while I, myself was the fictional character? Perhaps he is already aware of my existence? What if i was only born to be a mere shadow of this character?

I believe Euphoria is a masterpiece because its no stranger to love
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
We've known each other for so long
Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it
Inside we both know what's been going on
We know the game and we're gonna play it
And if you ask me how I'm feeling
Don't tell me you're too blind to see
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give, never gonna give (Give you up)
We've known each other for so long
Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it
Inside we both know what's been going on
We know the game and we're gonna play it
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye