Half of the game is not puzzles, but passwords obscured by sound, color, shadow, reflection or shape.
If you love puzzles the other half is good

90% is randomly interacting with everything

Ultimately unsatisfying, the whole game is a comedy coated in poor game systems

Good if you have an unconditional love for it


Beautiful, but have nothing else

90% is randomly interacting with everything

Good if you have personal bias


Good if you love puzzles, but the game has "The Witness problem", thinking that hiding things in the environment and poorly defining mechanics is fun

Good, but currently unfinished

Good if you have an unconditional love for it

Good if you understand what rogue-like entails

Nothing interesting happened in the plot, mostly a comedy about future. Can only recommend if character writing is the only thing you care about

Good if you are not against story being important in a game

Play this only if you are okay with leaps of logic, love randomly combining items and randomly applying them

Good if you love puzzles, but they only get hard at the second half