In short span of a few years I have became a huge fan of this incredible series and one of the forefathers of the FPS genre and Sigil II was a fun ride to remind me why I keep coming back for more!

Definitely an upgrade from the original from the first one and the level and puzzle design is way better this time around. Every level has its own cool design and different gimmicks, but also delivers a hefty challenge to veterans and tests the mettle of newer players and pushes them to the limits. I loved the music, but I wish there was more variety then hearing that one good song of 80% of the levels. A good bit of Barons, but way more Cacodemons meatballs in this Spaghetti dish of DOOM! Impressive...very nice!

This is a really cool and fun game to play every once in awhile, it feels really satisfying when you hit a bunch of sick flips and tricks while taking out a few enemies. That being said, I was afraid it was gonna be one of those games where you have to complete so many side challenges to advance through the campaign, but I do get it as it makes the gameplay experience a bit more longer and you aren't knocking out the whole game in a few hours. Something I feel like I would go back to every once in awhile and I'm glad its on game pass because I was waiting on a sale for this one.

Just like my Febreeze bottle says: "I take odors from no one!"

Pretty cool and fun Shinobi game with some unique level and enemy design for the series. The later level gimmicks and boss fights can be a bit of a pain though, but I guess that is kind of the Shinobi way. The live action cutscenes make this game one to remember lol.

Much like taking a dead corpse and putting puppet strings on it and making it flop around, Diablo IV is a shadow of its former self.

We are once again witnessing the Greed of AAA game companies destroying great games on banking on peoples love and nostalgia for once great game series that just don't give the same experience they should bring. My great friends introduced me to Diablo 3 back in Highschool and I was instantly hooked with it and became a fan and like many others was excited for Diablo 2 remaster and this. It was unreal how despite the areas and gigantic open world to explore and many different enemy types and stuff like that I was practically bored the entire time playing through it hence why it took me literal months to finally finish it. Literally played and started with several friends on several occasions and everyone lost interest and even one friend couldn't even last after just one session of playing this snorefest. It just gives such a lifeless experience with monotonous and worthless repeating side quests and the legendary drops that used to bring excitement and joy have lost any kind of meaning with all the same abilities and very limited designs to them, and I would literally get the same two looking helmets the whole experience. Oh! No fear, because they made sure to get more unique designs of armor and weapons through the expensive store with ridiculous microtransactions. No matter how unfinished this demonic turd of a game is they will always make sure there microtransaction is open on launch of a albeit 70$ fucking game.

They couldn't even let you use your first character once the first season came up for it you had to start all over. Repeating all the same side quests and exploring everything again is just another classic case of "Hey! We want you to stay and play our game and only our game forever!" They did add an update to fix it between all characters, but with the experience the game initially gives you its not that big of a game changer since regardless you still have to hit all the fast travel points again in each town. I like to explore and I get the game revolves around fighting shitloads of enemies, but barely taking two steps and constantly having to stop to fight a horde makes the experience grow old pretty quick.

I'm grateful that I have the first Diablo left to play and I am sure it will give me a better experience then this did. Much like how I felt with DOOM 3 the best looking part and section of the whole campaign is when you finally actually are able to go to hell and its very aesthetically pleasing and just really cool to see, but its literally at the last point of the game and you are there for not long at all then the game ends. Thank god they recently introduced a new class for the mobile game and made sure to let everyone know that its not coming to this game. Atleast, we get the season that pretty much goes side by side with the class we are not getting and a battle pass for us to buy! Never would of imagined that a game where you fight the hordes of hell would be so boring. I'm tired boss, tired of these companies sucking the life out of these series and giving us a lifeless shell of what's left.

Picked up this game with Gotham Knights last year during Black Friday and thought this was some souls like type of game, but came to find out it was a DMC clone which in my opinion was a sigh of relief considering that I have several soulslikes already to get to in my gigantic backlog.

Loved the designs of the characters and the bleak world they made for the environments until everything in the game nearly looked so similar with not much variety. The first half of the game for the most part was just screaming out mediocrity as I was on the verge of feeling like I made a mistake until the story started to get more interesting. Seeing the Berserk and Claymore heavy inspirations also made me more interested and the fact I absolutely loved Lute she was such a great character, pretty cool sister dynamic there.

The rapture form was like a typical type of rage mode, but the cool part was the different finishers you can do based on which of Lutes skills you decide to purchase and can change from time to time, also Lute in combat was so damn helpful too not like other AI that don't do much, she was there helping and saving me in dangerous fights from time to time which helped a lot since I decided to play the game on a harder difficulty. The berserk mode was such a cool concept and I really like how it was your kind of anime-style going insane and nearly uncontrollable unless you master it, which in turn had major consequences and could actually kill you.

Some bigger fights with the elite enemies can feel like a chore as you can't fight the way you want and have to constantly switch these two ethereal rifts to damage certain enemies. Its a conflicting beast as the more you learn the abilities and weapons switching it can be really fun, but sometimes it can be frustrating at times. The amount of depth the combat system has is unique and some fights can destroy you and cause you to use all consumables based on your mistakes which increase the initiative to not screw up as much and try different weapons and combos since some work better against certain enemy types compared to others.

One of the coolest powerups you get is like Devil trigger, but unfortunately for story reasons you do not receive it until the last few chapters in the game. Story has some cliche types of situations, but also its on spin with the world building and setting it creates with an unexpected ending that leaves on a cliff-hanger. I feel like they have something really special here and a good bit of things to improve on. I would love to play the sequel if it gets made, but a good chunk of things could use some work like making some fights more engaging and more diverse locations to look at and not so much blue everything. This game certainly won't be for everyone, but for the most part I came out liking it more in the end. The Soulstice does have some "Soul" in it that's for sure.

I really should get to watching Claymore one of these days..

Felt like I went back in time as soon as I watched the classic-remade intro. One of my favorite memories was playing the original with my older brother who were both big super mario fans when we were just little kids in the 90s. Squaresoft pumping out games like Chrono trigger, FF6, Secret of Mana and this during the SNES era was crazy.

A perfect entry for anyone trying out turn based RPGs and tbh I can't believe how easy they made this remake compared to the original. Things like the Yoshi-race and Jinx fight would take me so long when I was a kid and for me to flawlessly dominate them was surprising, but of course I have gotten way better with RPGs and all the experience I have under my belt now. The newly enhanced OST is great with the HD sound quality as well as bringing back the nostalgia to the OG fans that played the original. I feel like this game is such a treasure and amazes me that I have rarely found other people ever talk about it up until recently. Back then, this was one hell of a marvel to witness. Dialogue that makes you laugh out loud and one of the best portrayals of Bowser in my opinion. I really could gush about so many wonderful things about this game like the tricks and cool events as well as so many great and memorable easter eggs, but I want anyone who has yet to play this game experience it as fresh and new as possible. I love this game so much and for anyone to not play this or the original on SNES is doing a disservice to themselves. I urge you to play this definitive turn-based Mario adventure as soon as you are able to. Not to mention its not a super long JRPG at all probably around like 10 hrs or so.

Also, those new triple gauge moves are insane. The things they added to this already great game make it an even better experience. Thank you Nintendo so much for this, but please learn how the price drop some of your games. I shouldn't walk into a game store and see "New Super Mario Bros U" and "Super Mario Wonder" at the same price...

Beat this with the other two arcade classics in LAD Gaiden and way better than its predecessor. I like the power hits to knock off the other enemies armor and sending them flying out the screen and even into lava and watching their flesh melt off. Wasn't too much BS difficulty either like with the first one. Pretty fun for a quick run.

Metal Sonic can suck the rankest fart my booty cheeks can muster. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING!!! Total cash grab dude, but in the end I came out on top.

Crazy how I played this in an actual arcade and sucked at it on the actual bike, then I play it on LAD Gaiden and beat it with ease. Pretty fun crash and bash racer.

This man has and continues to change my life the more I play through the intense, heart wrenching moments of his life. Joryu's performance shines so bright and has some incredible moments throughout the 5 chapters of this interlude between LAD 7 and 8. Dragon engine makes the beat em' up style and continues to improve with every entry and beautiful visuals especially with the Osaka Castle, some serious neon lit eye candy. Kuroda's voice acting and all the raw emotion he puts into this was some of his best and I can't wait for infinite wealth, especially after playing the demos and his chemistry with Ichiban is great and definitely will lead to some unforgettable moments. Love his attitude which was kind of a throwback to how he was in the original Yakuza as well as the others, he is that man that will do whatever it takes to protect the people important in his life, I can't help but respect it and want to grow up just like him truly!

Akame was a fantastic character throughout the story and I hope this is not the last we have seen of her. The only thing I did not care for was the plethora of side content for such a much shorter story. It's good to have some to get the bang for your buck, but I found myself getting a bit burned out on it at the moment as some things were very repetitive such as the little exclamation point side quests, and how they link the upgrades with an extra currency that you can only get from doing the side content. Gadgets were fantastic, especially the OP Serpent gadget thats a blast to use.

As far as the finale for this game goes in typical Ryu Ga Gotoku fashion it absolutely fucks in everyway. I live for these over the top ending sequences with crazy twists and endgame cinematic showdowns. (That last fight woo doggie!) I had heard everyone talk about the tears and it hit even worse considering how I got into this series and which game I started with and how far Kiryu's story has come all the way up to this point. I get how people say Kiryu's story should of ended in Song of Life, but this and 7 prove otherwise to me and I couldn't be happier they have not closed the curtain on this incredible man's story just yet. Whatever comes next, my body is ready with open arms.

The Champion of Light and The Herald of Darkness.
Wowzers! To say the least dude.

Despite what I said with my Spiderman 2 review at this point its so difficult to pick my GOTY especially after this one. My only regret is not playing through Control and the DLCs, but besides that I caught up on everything within the Remedy Universe! The unique and great narration and storytelling Alan Wake is known for is better than it has ever been and the survival horror gameplay fit into this and story perfectly(I thought it was so cool that there was even an in-game explanation to the genre change as well.) This write here is what narrative driven games is all about with a great cast of characters and fun puzzles to solve. Stellar OST just like the first Alan Wake and good humor at times as well.

With Like a Dragon Gaiden as well as Super Mario RPG around the corner its gonna be really tough to pick my GOTY, but this one may have sealed the deal for me.

I gottaaa get to Dr. Connooorsss classss....

This review goes out to my late Uncle Pete who got me really into Spider-Man once he took me and my brothers to see the Sam Raimi Spiderman movie and then ended up seeing the whole trilogy in the theatres.

I truly believe this has been the best game I have played this year up to this point. Everything I wanted in a sequel and improvements to the Marvel's Spiderman were here. From start to finish I enjoyed every moment of this ride and the amount of different transversal abilities you get throughout the city is so much fun to just glide and swing around. Which makes me question why even add fast travel to this game even though it looked and was seamlessly quite impressive. New York City has never felt more alive and bustling with all the different things going on and the open world felt so alive compared to prior games I have played like the Division 2 or Watch Dogs Legion. The mainline sidequests introduced completely felt like it was part of the main story with how much detail they put into them with the cinematics and performances. Even the smaller activities to complete throughout the game and world all felt like a unique and different experience every time you would complete one which I feel makes the whole 100% completion way more fun to complete. The upgrade and combat system improves in a major way, but it does kind of suck you can't change finishers like in the first one, but with the new abilities you get throughout I still think this exceeds that style they had.

The story beats and missions is where this game shines the brightest with building up newer characters while giving the ones we know even more character development and backstory. I was pleasantly surprised at so many things that I was able to actually witness firsthand with all these people pumping out spoilers like crazy before the game was even released. Like it is getting to the point where it is nearly impossible to avoid and that really disappoints me with major triple AAA story based games like this one.

I did one into some major glitches throughout which mostly were funny, but some would softlock the game where I had no choice but to load application again, however the checkpoints are very good so you are able to get right back to where you were. Still, that definitely is the biggest issue I had with my whole playthrough.

Overall I feel like this was a perfect follow-up to the last one and amazed people online are hating on this as much as they are. Pretty sure it is just bait and trolls just doing their usual thing with major game releases. In terms of Super Hero games it does not get no better than this at this point in time! If you really don't wanna pay 69.99 for a game you can platinum in 24 hrs I suggest just wait for a price drop and sale. Regardless, this is one game you do not wanna miss out on.


My brother urged me to play this game for the past several months and I finally got to it and I would like to slap him silly because I pissed my pants. From the ambience the low music creates to the build up whenever a disgusting horrifically designed tries to attack you is very unsettling. One point I was trying to jingle the lockpick off this door then the music starts to build up immensely and I'm starting to get anxious and then I open and turn around and see this ghost girl chasing me. I have always heard of the term "getting chills" from stuff but never have I actually experienced it until this instance. It was just like the scene from Shaun of the Dead when him and Ed are just sitting on the couch and watching the news then the zombie comes in and they throw their arms up and start to yell and freak out!

There is one enemy you have to deal with at a later point in the game which baffled and amazed me. Dunno how they could even make an enemy AI do what this creature did, but I was freaking out. Pretty cool in a terrifying kinda way.

Really picked some actually horrifying games this year for October that for sure.

I did run into a weird issue where if I launched the game through Steam the title screen would have sound, but once I started playing it would be mute. Then I just loaded it from the install instead and it worked fine, but I did not hear sound for the first 45 minutes of gameplay lol.

This game was magnificent for what it accomplished in me and being able to do what many other games fail at times. Highly recommend you check this one out.

You know what is really wrong with this game?

But really though this definitely is one of the best story driven RPG maker horror games I think I have played. Gameplay is kind of meh, but the tragic, messed up story that unfolds is one I won't soon forget. Never thought I would be so impressed with how good a serial killer's character development could be and how much I enjoyed the character Zack is. I feel like this game could definitely use a fresh coat of paint and get a remake like Witch's house and some others have gotten. Makes me wanna check out the anime they made a few years back, pretty good stuff.

This feels like one of those Wii games where the other console ports are better, but this time that isn't the case. Going into this game I did not know much about it besides that it had to do with the original first Silent Hill. I feel like its minimalistic gameplay approach and lack of Silent Hill style environments make this a very forgettable and boring experience. I really liked the Psychology stuff they threw in there before you started each new section, and the end sequence was pretty cool how it all came together at the end.

I don't like what they did with Dahlia, Cybil, or Lisa. They tried to make them have some of their original qualities, but I feel like they missed the mark that made these characters as memorable (Lisa still had one of the biggest impacts when I played the original). The main locations of the original game like the hospital you see for like 5 minutes then on to the next area. Lack of any enemy variety and seems like they just didn't care much.

I do agree with Harry though, when I see Street fighter 6 I also can't help but say "ooooo Cammiee".

-To clarify, I know some of these environments are staples in the Silent Hill series (Hospital, Toluca Mall, Apartments), but I feel they lack the depth, feel, and horror aspects of the original locations and places.