Writing this even though I am currently still playing it, but I will say that I pretty much have experienced everything this game has to offer at this point. I remember when the Friday the 13th game dropped as my brothers and friends were ready to dive into and even with its lack of content and whatnot we still enjoyed it and made the most of it. I will say, overall it was pretty damn fun and good. I remember seeing a bit of TCM from time to time since I was always around my late uncle who loved video games and horror movies. Such an interesting series and creepy in a really good way that leaves you asking so many questions and wanting to learn more about this crazy family's backstory.

Unfortunately, we are repeating the same mistakes here much like the case with Destiny and Destiny 2. Releasing a half-developed gameplay experience and adding more things as time goes on leaves a much-to-be-desired gameplay experience and one of those games you can only play so much of at a certain time until you need a break from it. The addition of skill trees which are done pretty decently and a better matchmaking system to Friday the 13th is a huge plus. Every character has a good bit of unlockables except for the family members besides Leatherface which kind of sucks if you take a liking to playing another family member right now. Releasing a game with a DLC pack for extra executions at the exact same time is a pretty bad look in my opinion, but that's the new generation of games we are living in now I suppose.

As far as looking past all the annoying points the game is pretty damn fun and once you get used to it there is a good bit of strategy and working together involved so it is best played with open mic or other friends. The amount of detail and work that went into this is pretty damn good and so many different ways to kill survivors as well as escaping from the family in various ways. It seems the survivors have more tricks with each having unique perks although it is a tougher learning curve to get good with them (I played Survivor a few times and got my ass kicked so I decided to stick with the family most of the time). The chainsaw mechanics and how the chainsaw can stall at the worst fucking times really get the blood pumping thats for sure lol. Unfortunately, I do urge anyone interested in playing this game to play it as soon as you can because usually these games get plagued with trolls and sweaties a month or so after and can lose their main charms as everyone is so fresh to the game right now and you can get the best experience! It is great they put this on game pass so most people can give it a go without breaking the bank and it kills me that they could add crossplay to this, but not Remnant 2?! Come on now...

Never got to play this one since my dreamcast disappeared when I was way younger and did not realize this was a thing until later in the future. Its MK4 with some additional characters thrown into the mix. I love that they added Baraka and it made me laugh that he nearly has all the same voice lines ripped from MK2 and a voice in his ending that sounds like it was impersonated by Adam Sandler. I really enjoyed MK4 when I was younger so if you were like me and liked this not so great game, then you are in for a bit of old school MK fun for a good little while. Could just be my years of age catching up to me, but I don’t remember the music in the stages being this loud and vibrant in the old N64 version, but I could of just not remembered it. “Don’t let the evil Sorcerer prevail!!! …………arright!”

This may be the best NES game I have played and I know for a fact the bosses don’t match the cuteness of the main character sprites. That one dragon would of easily gave me nightmares back in the day just like the old pixelated Mario used to. Great music, ahead of its time character swapping and level design with some great NES tunes in the mix. This feels like an Snes game for Nes and cannot recommend enough. Some checkpoints can be alittle unforgiving at times, but you do get boss checkpoints which is great. Play this game friends!!

Zelda has become more and more of a truly wonderful experience the more of them I play and I was ready to finally dive into one of the best 2D games in the series I have heard from many people. Crazy how my first time ever hearing about this game was seeing the open game box in a Wal-Mart bathroom stall after somebody decided to use the five finger discount. All-in-all I did thoroughly enjoy it, however, I was not expecting a game that literally puts a puzzle in place to nearly do anything in the game. From finding out how to get to every dungeon or getting a specific item to access a certain area. A good bit of them were very kryptic at times and caused me to throw in the towel and head to Zeldadungeon.net to see the solution to a puzzle I would never have guessed. Certainly my biggest complaint regarding this one and became an ongoing frustration that took me longer than expected. To be fair, it is my first time playing the game so it does kind of happen and I do feel as though you can really get a better experience by playing alot of these Zelda games a second time! Music was wonderful, loved hearing the new Hyrule town music as well as old school tunes back from one of my favorites “A Link to the Past.” The Lake Hylia and Wind Fortress dungeons were some of the most fun I had with the game as well as a different type of sword system and plot points that weren’t about the master sword for a nice change of pace! Pretty cool different villian for the series and it would be wonderful to see this get a similar type of “Link’s Awakening” remake treatment. A must play for any Zelda fan obviously, just be sure to keep a guide handy this time around.

Nyeaah!! nyeahh! nyeah nyeah nyeaaahhh!!

One of the peak performances in terms of the Greedy powerhouse known as Wario! The game is reminiscent to others like Klonoa and others around that error of wacky platforming and classic style levels such as Haunted House, ice level, Egypt Level, and so on. The really fun gameplay loop of pile driving all the little goon enemies and completing all the puzzles to collect the treasures. One of the more recent memories I have of the good ol' days of Blockbuster and watching my brother play through this and beat it. (The game is more on the shorter side of things which isn't bad at all). I'd say it's about time we get another Wario game like this and hold off on the gimmick microgames for a little bit.

Was so excited to hear this finally released a few days ago and my brother and I were splitting some skulls blasting through it! I love the new weapons and enemy types and the new way how its more about long stages with different areas. Some stages in itself with extra secret levels to find as well! Playing Co-op is definitely the way to go with this game if you are able to and you can customize your character and select different models. My main complaint with it is how some areas you go into were super dark and hard to see at some points. Also, how a lot of the areas and levels all had the industrial/factory type look with a few exceptions. Was definitely feening for some more Underquaker after playing the expansions for Quake 1 and looking forward to playing expansions for this one in the near future. So glad to be able to jump back into my next semester and definitely spend more time with my Gaming in the mean time so I will definitely be laying the smackdown on the games and backlog! Holler if ya hear me brother!! Also Quake II is damn good, but the first still reigns supreme!! Wooo!!!

This expansion certainly was a step in the right direction with the new area and different creatures to take down and new armors to acquire. A more interesting little story to go with it too. I still need to play burning shores one of these days and I hope that one turns out as decent as this one did if not better.

I hardly remember much about this game’s story at all whenever I did play it.!I just laughed at the beginning with the child version of Aloy that reminded me of the kid version of the Jim Carrey Grinch lol. Forbidden west certainly had better story parts that were more memorable, but not by too much.

It's a dogpile of dog fights! This game was actually pretty challenging, to say the least and it seems there is a good bit of replayability here which is a nice addition. One of those games I have seen and been around my whole life and never actually sat down to play until now. I do also have the original Star Fox and Starfox 2 thanks to my SNES mini. Will definitely check them out if they were as fun as this one was! Great dialogue to lmao especially Andross' little nephew haha that little reject!!

The first one I played through that really got me addicted to these and made me want to play the others a really cute and charming experience on the SNES. Give it a try if you like a good puzzle once in a while.

Incredibly easier compared to the arcade Bust a Move 2, but still pretty addicting and fun and the more you play the more you improve and get better at the patterns and moving at a quicker pace similar to Tetris attack. That damn pesky little wizard strikes again!!

Nothing like some little brain power to refresh me before my next semester starts in a week and a half. I remember watching my mom play this and Tetris attack all the time when I was younger and would be getting ready for school in the morning. I sure do miss those classic days in the 90s. The little Dracula dude and the final boss were the biggest pains in the ass, but luckily you get a good bit of credits to finish. Great nostalgic OST and sound effects. This same very game/arcade cabinet was in this old Burger place my grandma used to take me and my brother to for milkshakes and we would also play it over there. Lots of memories with this one!

It is pretty crazy how someway I managed to playthrough Zero without even knowing anything about Yakuza Kiwami/1 which was kinda cool how I got to experience it that way. However, when I jumped from Zero to Kiwami I felt really strange with it and obviously Zero was the better and more memorable experience. I have always wanted to go back and experience the Original installment that started it all and comparing it to Kiwami it was impressive to see how similar it was to Kiwami and the other games even to this day. Truly it felt ahead of its time and I enjoyed it with the English dub which was kind of bad in a good way. It oozed the PS2 style which I absolutely love with the console and very excited to play so many others from the PS2 library I have not got to yet.! My first time playing a Yakuza game for a second time as well and I enjoyed this one even more and makes me so happy I did manage to get the Kiwami Steelbook as this game made me love this one even more than before and now I need to just check out the Japanese live-action movie! Can't believe how many of the homeless people look like Charles Manson dude, and why is that one street hoodlum wearing a green basketball jersey that says "FART"! So many times I looked for a place for Karaoke, but I guess it's not in the original one. No Baka Mitai for meeee!!

Finally, I have beat all versions of one of my absolute favorite retro games and this one was a hell of a tough one. Which was planned to be a short play after an overnight shift of working turned into a 4-hour venture to slay the beast that is the terror mask. I did not even use any save states and truly learned the trial and error experience and mastered it. Tell me how at first I managed to beat the final boss and it was a double KO like some hardcore anime fight with two characters punching each other in the face lmao. Gave me all the points as well, but had to run that shit back and lay him out for good. Hey, terror mask!! Hold this for me!!

Remnant from the ashes truly came out of nowhere and became a cult classic hit and it's easy to see why. The addictive gameplay loop in which the worlds are constantly randomized to where nearly every run is different so you constantly run into new events, dungeons, and bosses alike. Remnant 2 expands on all of these assets with many new classes called archetypes which can eventually be made to command two at the same time. Practically improving on the weapons and armor and traits to boost and craft your preferred build style. Kind of a short game, but it is meant to be like that since you won't be able to complete everything with sidequests and fighting all bosses in one go-round. Been a while since I played a game where you actually can explore and find secrets to new weapons and armor without being locked behind excessive paywalls and unlocking stuff like the good ol' days. Literally an advancement from the first Remnant in all aspects although I couldn't care much for the story they were trying to tell and some NPC's dialogue would constantly go on for too long which made it hard for me to find interest in the lore and whatnot. Although I have always seen this game as more of a mindless exploration with looting and shooting type of experience anyway.