476 reviews liked by Dreamer

Basic bitch cliff notes understanding of the most mainstream psychologists and philosophers possible. Dan Hentschel says more about psychology than this garbage.

You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me.

Score raised by one point because being so bad it leaves me speechless is a great use of ludonarrative

Cannot support a game that glamorizes not tipping

Snake x Otacon yaoi is OVERRATED
I’m tired of FAKE YAOI FANS gassing up this UTTER DOGSHIT

Like a skeletal boney boy that comes out the crypt and does a little dance for us; He hasn't got much meat on the bones, but boy has he got some moves on 'em.

The non-binary urge to climb Mt. Ebott and never return

Bill Clinton was right about this series and one of the many problems with his shitty fucking crime bill was that it didn’t call for everyone behind this game’s creation to be locked up without trial

After 6 years of finally playing this game again, I though that Undertale wouldn't hold up.... nah fam, this shit still the king.

2 lists liked by Dreamer