As great as the first Spiderman game! The story is not as good as the first one, but the gameplay is even better than the first one! Can't wait to play Spiderman 2

I only played the story mode, and it was good overall, gameplay wise is very fun


I need to finish this game, it is so fun

First one is the weakest of the saga, but it is still super fun to play!

I love these games so much, all the cutscenes and special abilities look amazing, I used to play it on PS2 and got the opportunity to replay it on PC, and it didn't disappoint

I love this game so much, it is basically the perfect version of all the storm games, the cutscenes are insanely amazing and the gameplay keeps getting better

Fun for a day, but then it gets boring and repetitive

Eh, not that scary and I hate the company

I loved every aspect of this game, it is so fun and the story is super interesting, I love the puzzles and the thrills it gives me when you get chased, it gets me anxious on a good horror way

I loved this game, it is more survival then RE2, but it is still nonetheless amazing, all the boss fights, puzzles and the spooks, mwuah chef kiss

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Once again they did not miss, it is so satisfyingly fun and very scary, and it sets a new story for the franchise, connecting it to the old games and finishing RE7 main character's story

I need to replay this game, it is so fun I love puzzle games and this one is one of the best

Holy. Shit. Probably my favorite game of all time, it is incredibly fun and the game mechanics are insane! every aspect of this game is flawless, every single boss fight is so fun and challenging! Overall, in my opinion, one of the best games ever made. PLAY IT

this game is so fucking fun and funny, I love everything about it

Pretty solid fun game, enjoyed a lot this little experience