Solid sequel to one of the best lego games. New characters and explorable gotham city are cool.

I would always break into the zoo and ride the gorillas around the city as a kid causing chaos.

Also flash goes zoom and it's very fun.

It's good, but play complete saga for the full experience.

Interesting DS port. Not as good as the console version but it was still interesting and I remember liking it as a kid.

It's a fun game but 5-7 is better. It's a fun mix of world exploration and short almost micro levels, sort of similar to Lego Indy 2.

This is way better than Lego Indy 2 though. Everything feels more tightly designed and going for 100% is pretty fun and relaxing.

Weak lego game. Disappointing since LoTR is top tier.

It's fun, but kind of mid compared to some of the other lego games. Playing as dinosaurs is cool though and the islands are fun to run around and explore.

Very underwhelming after marvel superheroes. Definitely prefer TT celebrating the overall marvel universe vs just the MCU.

Just kinda mid overall, lacks the same charm that the first game had.

I played this before watching any of the movies as a kid. Top tier Lego game.

Running around middle earth is awesome and it's a unique 100% completion experience compared to other lego games.

Great classic lego game!

They perfected the balance between the exploration and levels. The level length feels more balanced and well developed compared to the first and the new gameplay changes are fun!

Underwhelming compared to the first two games. It's still fine and has enough of the Lego batman charm to make it easy enough to get through.

Planet exploration is kinda janky though.

Not as good as TCS but still solid.

The new versus mode is fun to mess around with and it's cool seeing clone wars locations in the lego format, but it's the weakest Lego star wars game.

Solid classic Lego game.

Very fun to see pirates locations and the level design is very fun.

Going for 100% is okay, some of the new required mechanics are a little slow and can be pace breaking, but it's overall pretty painless.

Favorite level as a kid was the one were the mannequins came to life as zombies.

Very weird Lego game. Levels are basically small microlevels that feel really underwhelming to play through now.

I guess it helps it stand out, but it's not exactly in a good way


Tooie is so frustrating! I want to love it and in some ways it does improve on the original, but oh my god thinking about completing the game again is exhausting.

The stakes are higher (the opening alone is just perfect rare dark humor) and the characters are still amazing and charming.

The backtracking sucks and breaks the pace completely. I had more fun, cheesing the game and trying to get around the backtracking requirements than I did getting some of the collectibles the intended way.

Music isn't as good as the first game, but it still has some really good songs (Jinjo village is a banger).

Play the 360 version over the original again since it runs better and the breegull bash is funny.

It's a solid follow up, but it's not as good as the first.

New movement options are great and super fun! New mavericks are cool and there are a few songs that are really great. Overall the soundtrack is weaker compared to the first though.

The x hunters are interesting, but I don't like having to plan my routes around them. It makes the game less replayable for me since I always go for 100%.