Ruby and Sapphire are fun, but not as good as Emerald.

Gen 3 is just really good in general though so no matter how you play it you'll probably have a good time.

Music is great, new pokemon are great, the game's aren't braindead easy like the modern games. It's just fun

Better than X and Y and the new pokemon and region are cool!

The opening tutorial island sucks so hard though! I really loved Sun and Moon the first time I played them, but that tutorial island and the constant long cinematics make me a little weary of replaying them.

Villain is fun too! The really ruined her character in US/UM. Other characters are fine as well.

Fun but flawed game

Had my melee training arc playing on the gamecubes at McDonald's as a kid.

Melee is still fun and getting a good combo going still feels just as great as ever. This is not a game you can pick up and play anytime though, especially if you've played another smash game recently.

The controls are very picky and can be frustrating to adjust to if you haven't played it in a long time.

I rarely ever come back to it now that ultimate is out and has similarly fast movement with more forgiving controls, but it's fun to pop in every once in a while.

It's fun, but going for 100% can be repetitive and feel tiring after a while. It's still cool exploring star wars planets though.

I wish the levels were a little longer too and that they didn't have auto scrollers.

Bowser's fury is fun. Always a fan of sandbox mario

Perfect 3D platformer. The characters, the music, the level design everything is just amazing!

Play the xbox re-release though for the improved note system.

Banjo is just peak rare and peak 3D platforming. Going for 100% is crazy fun and there is only one instance of backtracking in the entire game and it barely counts since the levels are literally right next to each other and it's for a single jiggy.

Just play it!

One of the best video game soundtracks ever made and the gameplay is so fast and fun!

I just love this game so much!

Good remake of 3 really good games that I still come back to every once in a while. The crash formula is just super comfy and easy to pick up and play.

These games are hard, but really fun and rewarding to master.

Least stressful 100% run of crash 1 I've ever played. Crash 2 is just as solid as ever and crash 3 is good, but the gimmick levels suck.

The bonus levels are super fun and challenging too! Really rewarding to get through those!

Oh my god this game is hard! I love it but it also pisses me off so much!

I don't replay it as much as the first since the difficulty is just way more intense and I always get really mad about getting shot by someone off screen.

The story is really good though and makes it worth pushing through at least once.

This game is just really charming and fun! One of the best lego games, but I think everybody knows that at this point.

Was not expecting the soundtrack to go as hard as it does the first time I played this. Easily top tier NES soundtrack!

Castlevania is hard but really fun. Simon can feel a little heavy and clunky at times, but it's still manageable to get through and has aged surprisingly well.

This game is still really fun and hard! One of the most stressful but rewarding 100% runs I've ever done.

It's aged surprisingly well, but the N-sane trilogy is probably the better way to play the first crash game nowadays.

This was the first videogame I ever owned so I have a lot of nostalgia for it.

It's still fun to revisit every now and then and has plenty of the old lego game charm. Also being able to play as the villains is great. Campaign is way longer than you'd expect because of it

Best ball rolling game since monkey ball

It's fine, but frustrating.

Locking salmon run to certain times is dumb and they should've added the ability to skip the intro way before 3 came out.

Story mode is a big step down from the first game too.