They got rid of the gen 4 engine, but they were too faithful to the og diamond and pearl and kept all the terrible/questionable balancing decisions form those games.

Way better experience than the og diamond and pearl since it doesn't take 5 years for you to do anything, but platinum is still the definitive Sinnoh experience.

Wow it's hard to come back to this after ultimate...

The game is so slow and feels really awkward now. Still a fun time, but Ultimate does everything smash 4 does but better.

Interesting to revisit, but I'll probably never play it again.

Luigi + backflip = cheese everything

Very solid game, improves on the first mega man every way!

Soundtrack is a banger and the gameplay loop still feels fun and fresh. Not my favorite classic mega man but definitely in my top 3.

Smash run is kino and the game plays surprisingly well on 3DS.

Never used 2FA on my school account, but used it on my roblox account. Can't have anyone stealing my robux

Hasn't aged as well as the other classic mega man games but it's still a solid time if you know what you're getting into.

Boring and uninspired. Played it once and am never gonna touch it again.

Peak Lego game. This game slaps so hard!

Best classic crash game. Play any version of this game as soon as you can! It's so fun and has a perfect mix of challenge without being too frustrating like some levels of the first game.

The gimmick levels are short and painless to get through and going for 100% is really fun.

It's classic castlevania with better controls. Very fun time!

Music is just as good as ever and Belmont strut is still magnificent

This was my first Zelda game and every time I tell people that they tell me they're sorry.

I don't know why, I still think it's fun. Definitely better than phantom hourglass and the train theme is a banger.

Gotta replay it sometime and actually 100% it since I never did that as a kid.

It's fun and charming and has a surprisingly good story mode.

Fun game with a lot of that early lego game charm.