This game is so based, and I will not elaborate.

I'm more recent to this, but I can already tell that this is a timeless piece of gaming and internet culture.

But fuck the short-circuit.

This game gets worse the more I think of it.

It feels pretty unfair to criticize this game at this point.

Oddly, I have less to say about this entry than the previous entries and Ultimate.

This came out in 2006? God, I feel old.

This game has one of my all-time favorite finales in any game.

We all have that work of art we cherish above every other work. This is that work of art for me. I never felt this heavily invested in a group of characters and their struggles until this one. The combat is so fleshed out and the dungeons themselves don't feel tedious. (Except the Spaceport one, that level's stupid.) The social life aspect was a system I never thought I'd enjoy as much as I did. The soundtrack is an absolute banger. The comic book/anime style keeps my full attention to every detail. The writing in this is some of the best I've seen, especially in the Third Semester.

This has everything I could ask for in not only a game, but a piece of fiction in general. I highly encourage you to try this game for yourself, its beyond worth it.

You can make Kermit the Frog wield the Monado.