Very interesting story and concepts.
I'm glad I had the opportunity to play this.

Fun little rhythm game if you're using the drum controller, otherwise it's nothing special.

Really nice puzzle game.
I can tell why this is considered a classic & iconic game.

I had a great time playing this.
It has a very cozy vibe and the slow pacing didn't bother me in the slightest.
The OST is great (especially the battle theme) and the characters are really interesting. I can see myself getting overly attached to them.
Looking forward to the SC and the whole trails series in general.

This might be one of the most biased ratings I gave to a video game, but deep down, I want to believe this game deserves all this praise.

Overall, I had tons of fun playing this game. It’s amazing to have Sonic and other familiar characters back with a brand-new adventure. I think the story was decent, however, I never expected Sonic to fight some Mecha Kaiju (which is still mind boggling how they came up with this idea).

The gameplay feels nice, however, it still feels kind of clunky like previous 3D games, especially in Cyber Space levels. The combat mechanics are probably the most interesting thing added to this game.

Also, I really enjoyed how every boss fight feels like it came out straight from a Platinum Games’ video game. The combat and the music blend perfectly, making each action sequence every Sonic fan's dream. I literally was on the verge of tears while doing all the boss fights. The raw power and intensity of the music is so good I couldn’t help but to become overwhelmed with my emotions.

This game might be one of the most controversial to recommend, since if you´re not a Sonic fan or you don't really care about the world and the characters of the Sonic franchise, you´ll see this as a cheap BotW rip off. 
Even though I enjoy the idea of an open zone Sonic game, the islands felt empty and generic. 
I also expected more about the Cyber Space levels. It was nice to recognize the level structure from previous games, but most of them were not that fun.

In all honesty, I think this is a great step for Sonic games in general and this might be the best 3D Sonic game we have had in a while, although I would like some more creativity and uniqueness in their games. The only things carrying this game are the Boss fights and the OST. Everything else feels generic and not that interesting.

Helooooooo everyone and welcome to another "Why does this sequel exists?". This time around, our guest is Horizon Forbidden West.

Basically a recap of all levels of the main story with slight adjustments for the abilities of the 3 new characters we play as. Only the last world was interesting since it's original and does not happen in the main campaign.
Overall this DLC felt very "fillerish".

My first ever Shantae game and honestly, I LOVED IT.
The story is really silly and fun. Even though I felt there were some plot-holes and some references I did not get, I still found the story enjoyable.
I really enjoy the art-style and the characters' designs are so unique and interesting.
The levels are quite fun and somewhat challenging and their respective OSTs are BANGERS.
The only thing I have to point out is that I wish the PS5 version of the game had instant loading times, because there's literally 0 difference between the PS4 and PS5 one.

Gotta thank TheSilverCase for improving my self-esteem. Now I feel like the person with the biggest dick alive.
Suda51 you're EPIC!!!

I still can't believe they changed Spike for Little Jimmy ;-;

I love how they took everything from the campaign of Splatoon 1&2 and the Octo expansion to create this amazing campaign in Splatoon 3. Also, can we all agree this game had the best cutscenes of any Splatoon game released until now.
The multiplayer is also better than ever. They polished most of the game's mechanics, making the gameplay really smooth.
Banger OST as usual.

GOATED art style, GOATED story, GOATED characters and GOATED OST!!!

It was really nice to explore this new region and complete all the quests. If you enjoyed the main game this "update" is a must play.