10 reviews liked by EdRaket

On the surface (and intentionally in some moments), it may feel like the point of Bennet's commentary is just to annoy the player, but I feel differently. I feel that this game says something interesting about persistence and patience. When I finished my first play through, I think it may have taken me near 6+ hours. However, through practice, and not very much might I add, I have now been able to beat it in a little over 9 minutes. A task may seem impossible, but with enough persistence, you'll begin to wonder how you ever found it to be difficult in the first place.

Playing Ocarina of Time is like dunking your head into the primordial ooze of 3D gaming and seeing every single gameplay mechanic of the past 25 years fully formed and ready to go.

I love Getting Over It and have beaten it hundreds of times. I was excited for this game, it looked the most similar to Getting Over It out of any other rage-bait game out there. Living up to the "foddian" name it talks about in the steam description.

But the core gameplay is just too annoying and painful. Like it literally hurts my hands to play this game for more than 10 minutes. Having to hold down the buttons and yoink my mouse super fast and hard to swing is like the least ergonomic activity in the world. So I'm refunding this game sorry.

The dev really did nail the style of Getting Over It perfectly though.

Quite simply the greatest actualization of the Zelda franchise's essence and the most elegantly structured open-world game to date. I wasn't expecting or even looking for an improvement on BotW, yet here it is.

This is a perfect fighting game that also features World Tour mode.

insane that they released the early alpha build 6 years ago

it's kind of like breath of the wild if they fixed nearly every single issue i ever had with it

Breath of the Wild walked so Tears of the Kingdom could strap 500 rockets to itself and take off, this game is incredible

sometimes you just forget to logon to a game for six days in a row and then you're free.

in 10 years people will look at all the shit nomura wrote and realize that, yes it was indeed just a phase that lasted too long