It's amazing what Team Silent made at that time, even tho it's the weakest of the trilogy, it's still a fantastic game to play and the first one to have vocal soundtrack, very fun when you're not disturbed over the monsters and atmosphere.

I hated this game so much in the past, but when i play it today it kinda makes me happy somehow, maybe it's the coop... or maybe the game is good and i'm an asshole.

My favorite of the PS1 era, this is so refreshing to play.

A son of Resident Evil 4 that had a lot of success.

And it was well deserved, this shit is creepy and it knows how to make you feel desperate.

So simple, so beautiful, so haunting.

I think it's the best one right after AC2, it's definitely the most fun of the franchise and has a lot of charisma.

Another case of wasted potential, it's good but it could be so much better if it wasn't changed so many times during the development.

It has a banger of soundtrack tho.

Even tho this game didn't age so well, it's still a classic and deserves some love.

Amazing game to play, it can be somewhat complex on later stages, but nothing that you can't learn to finish it.

And be kind to Jorji, he's awesome.

It's basically the same masterpiece that it was on PS2, but with better performance and even more beautiful.

Absolute classic from the PS2 era, i wish i could play this game for the first time again.

The absolute definition of survival horror in games, and also was the perfect remake for me before RE4 was released. Be dumb and die, be smart and learn how to deal with the creatures, learn how to survive and years later punch a fucking bolder.

Grab the bananas and be happy, classic game and i miss Rareware...

Remember when Far Cry was still fun and had really new stuff to do? Yeah...