It's sad to see that this game, being great as it is, could have been so much greater if Konami wasn't full of half-assed pieces of shit that rushed Kojima's work.

O lançamento desse jogo foi de parar o mundo na época, é até engraçado lembrar do quão simples as coisas eram no mundo dos games em 2013, e muito triste ver o que a Rockstar fez desse game ao longo dos anos.

Mas no geral, é GTA no seu auge em todos os aspectos, provavelmente vai durar para todo o sempre (pelo menos até chegar o VI).

To be honest, even tho i hate this shit, it's the best and most different battle royale game we have, props to Epic for trying to do something new.

Also, the crossovers are nice, for the most part at least.

Probably the most realistic and story-driven GTA of the franchise, the amount of details they put here is out of this world, it amazes me nowdays how much love they gave this game.

When games were made with so much love that needed four FUCKING discs to play and have the full experience.

That being said, absolute classic and one of the best tactical RPGs ever made.

The absolute definition of survival horror in games, and also was the perfect remake for me before RE4 was released. Be dumb and die, be smart and learn how to deal with the creatures, learn how to survive and years later punch a fucking bolder.

Gameplay incrível e trilha-sonora maravilhosa, até o momento tem me divertido bastante.

E quanto a história... eu não entendo caralho nenhum que tá sendo contado aqui, mas eu adoro... por alguma razão.

Ótimo jogo e boa introdução ao que seria a melhor trilogia da franquia COD.

Revolutionary game and unique in it's genre, aged like fine wine too so play when you have the chance, it will be worth it!

This is considered the top 1 survival horror game of all time, and i gotta say it's absolutely right, even today this shit is terrifying and the soundtrack makes it even more creepy, Akira Yamaoka is the GOAT.

What can i say about this? This shit was so good that it became the high point of quality for all of games before and after it's release, amazing experience.

The game that i finished so many times that i lost count, every fucking time i play i have the same amount of fun that i had in the first time, it's an classic and my favorite Resident Evil game of all time.

The very best for the first Mario trilogy, absolute classic and very fun to play.

Grab the bananas and be happy, classic game and i miss Rareware...

Provavelmente a melhor IA de monstro que já vi em um jogo, o que torna ele mais tenso e assustador, principalmente quando eu não consigo me esconder PORQUE O ALIEN CONHECE MINHAS TÁTICAS POR FAVOR ALGUÉM ME AJUD