Ran is the cutest and best wife. I will murder anyone who says otherwise. Even in 2003, I chose Ran. And I'll choose Ran until I die. #RanStans

It's alright. I mean, it was awesome back in the day, but in 2021, I'm more of a Rune Factory guy. Still, it's charming as all hell, and the graphics are...fine. It's crazy how much the music has stuck with me, though. Within two notes I was humming the tunes.

The game gets a 5/5 in my heart, but playing it now, yeah, it's dated. BANGER spring and summer soundtrack, though.

Probably not as big of a surprise as it would be at launch, but I have to say that this game is simply fantastic. The sheer amount of dialogue is staggering, and many of it is contextual.

The characters are still in my mind weeks later. Cosmo made me laugh heartily, and my wife, who never even glances at the screen while I game, was howling every time he came on screen. Drax was also a high point, with one liners that could be heard in any comedy movie. The only sore spot for me was Rocket. He's a huge pain in the ass for 2/3 of the game, and was very grating.

The combat was serviceable. I quite liked the team aspect of it, but playing as Quill was pretty snoozy. Elemental guns didn't add a lot.

I really liked the story when it was smaller, but when it got into big-time galaxy shenanigans, I lost interest a bit. They tried to keep it personal, but the last handful of hours got to be a little predictable.

Overall, I liked it quite a bit. Poor sales hopefully won't dampen the possibility of a sequel, though I fear they may. If you have Gamepass, this is a no brainer.

A solid R&C game with the same gameplay you know and love. Looks incredible and Rivet was a wonderful character. However, doesn't change a lot with the formula, and got a little repetitive at the end.

Alex is by far the best part of this game. Such a great protagonist. But the powers and main story fall flat. The first chapter was incredible, and it kind of goes downhill from there. Nothing tops the first game, in this series.

Fun little game. Tons of weapons and weapon types, although boomerangs are mad OP. Really liked how you could tackle the game in any order you wanted to. Stumbled into the volcano area, and because they dropped high end gear, was able to farm red tier gear quite early in the game. Was difficult, and took a long time to clear, but made me a monster.

Cute, fun, nice to look at, speedy bullet-hell RPG.


I have a rule that I don't put a star rating on a game unless I play it for at LEAST two hours. I gave up on Tunic after about 90 minutes. This game is like going back in time 15 years in the worst ways possible.

The gameplay is incredibly basic. It's like they took Souls games and said "hey, lets make this not at all fun." Very little character customization, very little in the way of progression. Which would be absolutely fine if the gameplay was fun. It's not. Swing, roll, swing, roll. And your stamina is so limited you just stand around waiting for it to recover every 5 seconds.

They took design from the last ten years that said "if we point a light at a door, or use a specific color to indicate where a player can go, that can help" and threw it out the window, replacing it with incredibly difficult to navigate areas. Right after the first boss, there's a pathway behind a pillar that you MUST travel behind to get to the critical path. What the actual hell.

Just...a baffling game. Obtuse for obtuse sake, difficult for difficulty's sake. Bleh. At least it's on Gamepass.

Extremely gorgeous game, with an interesting story. However, the PVP is incredibly pay to win, as is standard in gacha games. The PVE content is easy and basically only watchable, so there's just not enough to keep me invested.

Very fun game, with unique gameplay for a gacha game that actually requires strategy and tactics. However, the banners are split, and there is no banner pity. I do not play games without banner pity, and thus abandoned.

The only Atelier game I've ever finished, the gameplay in this is really fun and flashy. The story is pretty bare, and the characters are archetyped to hell and back, but the alchemy and gameplay make up for it. Just know what you're getting into and the game is a good time.

While the game looks quite striking, the strange comic book story and gameplay left a lot to be desired.

Started out quite fun and loved hanging out with the Phantom Thieves. However, towards the middle of the game, the story gets quite repetitive and you meet a character who is so obviously not on the up-and-up that it's insulting. I just kept waiting for the heel turn. Still, this really is Persona 5-2, so if you want that, it's here.

What's great about the game is also its downfall. Incredibly easy to "break", which is fun, but the barebones story and jarring artstyle left a lot to be desired. Seeing all the classes was enough to drive me to the end, but it's thoroughly mediocre as a whole.

Not enough permanent progression for me to complete the game. Incredibly fun to play, but after multiple hour plus runs, only to die and start over, it wasn't rewarding enough.

Pretty nice little surprise! The game starts out reeeaaaally slow. It isn't until 2-3 hours in when you can start mixing and matching perks does it take off. I feel like there's an amazing game in here somewhere, but it doesn't quite reach that. Ranged combat feels bad. Movement speed is too slow. There is a shocking lack of trackers for a game all about tracking EXP.

Great artstyle, simple-yet-addictive music, and gameplay that is just good enough not to drag down the transformation aspect of the game.

Cute little game that I think lays a strong foundation for a sequel. Definitely could use a bit more structure and a bit more QoL, but exploring new regions, seeing the inventive slime designs, and experimenting with fusing slimes was a lot of fun. Great little 8-10 hours GamePass experience!