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Ejsponge61 earned the Replay '14 badge

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Ejsponge61 followed Wake

8 days ago

Ejsponge61 finished Elderborn
I really dig this one! A first-person soulslike, with a heavy lean into physics-based combat. You even get a kick button and can later upgrade it to send dudes flying. Plus most levels have clifftops or towers to kick folks off of, and it never really gets old.

Besides the physics, the combat itself is really satisfying, if not a bit basic. It's a style of melee combat similar to Skyrim, which means it's just simple swipes and a charge attack. There's decent weapon variety, with some dual-wield weapons, spears, greatswords, and hammers. All are fun to use, with different trade-offs. Greatswords and hammers are slower and more powerful, but they also don't have the ability to parry.

Parrying is the mechanic that makes the combat really sing. If you can't get the timing down, you can use one of the weapons that simply block, and that will protect you just fine. But parrying will temporarily pause time and multiply the damage of the first strike you make within that time window. This never got old, or at least the game was over before it got the chance to. Even when ranged enemies start attacking, you can parry their projectiles right back at them for massive damage. However, one of the only flaws of the combat system is any alternate means to deal with enemies at range, and the game sometimes cheekily takes advantage of that one weakness.

The game has an incredibly striking art style too. It's nothing super unique, as caves, skeletons, and mystical guardians are nothing new to games. But something about the wide FOV, the sharpness of the art, and the fluidity of the animations make the game feel epic. From the loud metal music that accompanies gameplay to the animated cutscenes that look heavily inspired by Heavy Medal (1981), the game gives a really edgy, brutal vibe that is subtle enough to not feel obnoxious. I've played a few generic fantasy games, and thanks to the sprinkling of personality throughout, I'm glad to say this feels more unique than even something like Skyrim.

Overall, I have a lot of fun with this game. Didn't overstay it's welcome, and there's still a decent amount of fun I could come back and have in new game plus. Would play a slightly longer version of this game with increased enemy and weapon variety, but what was here definitely filled 4 hours more than adequately. Highly recommend it, especially on Steam Deck, which is where I played all but the last hour of this.

10 days ago

Ejsponge61 completed Elderborn

10 days ago

Ejsponge61 reviewed Dynamite Cop
I discovered this game as a kid at CiCi's Pizza in Hinesville, GA. Every time we had a little league football party of a birthday to celebrate there, I'd be more excited to play this game than I would be for the unlimited pizza and sweets. But the game was hard as fuck, at least for me at like 9 years old, so I never got to beat it. Fast forward and the perfect combo of free time, nostalgia, and a Steam Deck led me back to this game, and it still rules.

It's really just a Streets of Rage-esque beat-em-up, with small Power Stone-like arenas for levels, and dozens and dozens of objects you can use to wail on terrorists. The combat is half of the reason I love this game, as it lets you do so much with so little. sure, picking up an arcade machine, giant fish, or even a stunned enemy and smacking someone over the head with them is always as fun as it is stupid. But the addition of guns, rocket launchers, and grenades makes combat even more insane than you'd even assume at first blush. No weapon, no problem? Standard punches and kicks make room for a bunch of grapple moves you can pull off, all of which trigger some insanely brutal animations.

The other reason I love this game is that it's tone is just the dumbest, wildest shit ever. It's like it took the insanity of Bad Boys 2 but made it WAY more 90s and I just can't help but love it. From the comically heightened quick-time events to the cheesy and awkward cutscenes sprinkled throughout, I find all of it so charming.

Turns out tho, this game is a lot easier when you aren't pumping it full of quarters. It took me about 2 hours to beat it once all the way through, and less than 5 hours to play through it 2 more times through different routes. Not many changes across playthroughs, except certain routes leading to several new levels on a remote island. But no matter how you play, you will get the same high-octane action you'd want from a game like this. This game is goofy and corny, but I loved every minute of it. Wish this had a modern port somewhere, this is the kind of game that should be available to the masses. A breath of fresh air from much of AAA gaming today.

11 days ago

15 days ago

15 days ago

Ejsponge61 backloggd Ultrakill

16 days ago

Ejsponge61 completed Biomutant

16 days ago

16 days ago

Ejsponge61 backloggd Evil West

16 days ago

16 days ago

16 days ago

Ejsponge61 backloggd Biomutant

16 days ago

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