So close to being better than D3 but the lategame number inflation difficulty scaling ruined it. The only sorcery worth picking up is either glintstone or rock sling. Lategame isnt fun without meta builds. But the world is massive and full of interesting lore. There is a lot of weapon variety, you can make everything work with enough skill. Sadly melina wasnt part of the story, i thought she would play a larger role. Anyway its a certified fromsoft banger

Existentialism disguised as a game. The very best game in terms of rpgs.

The best souls game. Dont let the boomers fool you into playing demons souls 2 aka dark souls 1 where all you need is a big shield and poise

Id never imagine myself saying i want lootboxes back but here we are. They also managed to not deliver the promised pve mode, there will only be a watered down version (reskins of ow1 events) and the multiplayer is worse than double shield meta

The movement isnt good but everything else is. At least it tries to look like a unique game not unity asset rips cough cold war cough vanguard

Live service claims another victim

Live service games are an invention of the devil. Its always pump and dump. Great in the early seasons but nowadays its barely the same game

It really picked up the pace after the major updates

The best fps ever. Giant mechs, good movement and nice weapon variety.

Just play master duel and learn to read.

Already peak zombie shooter but the mods just make it infinitely better

It was great at first but like 99% of live service games it just got worse bcs devs tried to hard to keep the hype

Not playing this game feels good like coming clean out of a crack addiction