This is probably my favorite classic-style Castlevania so far. I haven't played through Dracula X or Rondo of Blood yet at the time of writing this review, so we'll see if my opinion changes after those. This game featured locations that all felt unique and interesting in their own ways. I really liked the 6th and final level the most as it used screen effects, in the earlier parts, to try to disorient the player. That haven't been utilized by a Castlevania game before (most likely due to techincal limitations, but even so) and I found it an interesting way to spice up the gameplay.

There were a lot of unique and fun enemy types throughout the game (except the harpies with spears, they can go straight to hell). All the bosses were really interesting as well, and we even have a boss rush section in the end where you face the earlier bosses, as well as the three final bosses. I thought that was a really good executed boss rush as none of the bosses felt particularly brutal after a trying for a couple attempts. And I don't really have to mention this because it's always the case, but the music was amazing as well.

Overall, a great Castlevania that I 100% recommend to anyone who's a fan of Castlevanias, or to anyone who likes adventure platformers for that matter.

It was really fun, but also frustrating at times as well. Especially the hallway before the Grim Reaper boss. Those Axe knights + Medusa heads were very annoying to time correctly. Bosses were fun, but holy water made short work of most of them after a few tries. Overall, a great game and can't wait to play the rest of the series.

3.5/5 stars

It was fun, but also quite confusing at times because of the backtracking you had to do. The game doesn't really tell you what to do apart from the NPCs (who were either lying or talking nonsense most of the time). I did use a guide after some time, which a lot of people recommended using because of how the game is, so at least I knew what to do overall. It was also significantly easier than Castlevania 1, having only 3 bosses that were all pretty cheeseable with Sacred Flame or Golden Dagger. Overall, an okay game that would've been better had it stuck with what made the first one great.

2.5/5 stars

Amazing game and an amazing remake! Wouldn't have it any other way for the game starring my favourite RE character, Ramon Salaza... No, Leon S. Kennedy, of course :)

A great game that felt refreshing after playing the earlier games. This game introduced new mechanics, such as being able to use your whip as a grapple and being able to whip upwards and diagonally. Both of these mechanics made this game feel a lot more enjoyable than the earlier entries. It made the game feel less cheap in terms of enemy placement.

The pixel art was beautiful and really showed off what the SNES could achieve. The bosses were all amazing, except for 1 or 2 that felt a bit boring. The OST didn't disappoint either. Especially when my favourite tracks, Bloody Tears and Vampire Killer, showed up during the SAME level.

If you haven't played this one and like other Castlevania games (or even if you've never played a Castlevania before), try this one, it won't disappoint.

Incredibly hard and frustrating game. Much harder than the two previous games. The OST wasn't as memorable as the first or even Simon's Quest, but still good enough to make me not lose my mind. And at least it returned Castlevania to its classic style, after Simon's Quest threw most of that out the window.

Overall, a good game worth playing if you're a fan of Castlevania.

I really enjoyed my time playing through this game. There’s just something about how the game doesn’t take itself seriously that I really enjoy. It’s just a fun power fantasy essentially, where you go around as Garland and his crew and absolutely demolish everything in your path. And there’s so many different jobs, or classes, you can use that it doesn’t feel boring after a few hours. I would definitely recommend this game.

I enjoyed this game. It was definitely a step up on the GameBoy compared to its predecessor, Castlevania: The Adventure, which felt horrible. This game didn't feel sluggish whatsoever, and it also had some pretty fun and interesting mechanics that I hadn't seen in any of the previous Castlevanias. I do have to mention that the final two bosses were not enjoyable in the slightest. I'm not gonna spoil anything but they were quite frustrating and uninteresting at the same time. Music was really good as it usually is in most Castlevanias. Overall, I do recommed this game for anyone who's into Castlevania-styled games.

I get why people said to skip this one. The game made me want to end it all several times. The very slow and clunky movement (It's most probably because it's an early Gameboy game) + the levels themselves made it unbearable. I physically couldn't get myself to finish this one. I'll probably go back to this one sometime later, but for now, I'm skipping it.

0.5/5 stars

Absolutely loved the game. Didn't think I would be so invested in something that's based on Pinocchio, but here we are.

The combat felt great, especially learning the timings of attacks to hit those Perfect Guards. And the amount of different weapon variety with the blade + handle system was great. I made many different builds that were so much fun to use.

The levels/chapters were also really well-made and interesting to explore. The only negative was that the final chapter dragged on a little bit.

Overall, an amazing Souls-like that I will definitely return to when the DLC drops.

4.5/5 stars

This game holds a special place in my heart. It is the sole reason that I got super-invested in Monster Hunter, and the sole reason for me playing (and wanting to play) through the older titles, even though I had already played through most of World already. While it may not be as hard as the old games, or even World, but that doesn't take away from the fact that it's an amazing game.

I mostly felt frustrated during the time I spent playing this game. Guess I was spoiled from all the QoL changes that World, and Rise had brought to the series. It's still a Monster Hunter game and I like it for that, but I can't see myself playing through this one.

I'd recommend playing Freedom Unite instead. It's honestly a better, and more polished version of this (also with more content as it's 2nd Gen). I probably will go back to this game some time in the future when I have time to spare, but for now, I'll skip it.

Loved the combat, loved the theme, and the overall feel of the game was great. Another banger, as usual, from Miyazaki.

What a fantastic game! Everything about this game was amazing (except maybe the voice acting, which was a little rough but nothing major). The level design, the OST, and the bosses were amazing. It wasn't as hard as the older ones I've played, but that didn't take away from the overall experience.

So if you haven't played Castlevania before, then, for sure, try this one.

5/5 stars.

Finally beat this game after being stuck on Fatalis for months. Besides that fight, everything was amazing from start to finish. Although it isn't my favorite MH game, it will always have my gratitude for introducing me to this wonderful franchise.