I played for like 10 mins and thought about how many hours of griding I would have to do and I lost the will to play (I'll probably play on GBA and use fast forward)

I got bored. The music was good tho

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I wanted to see if this game would be better than last game. It wasn’t. I was greeted with a cool title screen but the smile that it gave me was quickly erased when I pressed play and a unskippable cutscene was played. Once it finished I was ironically horrified to see that the game switched to a point and click game. I gave myself time to collect my thoughts when out of nowhere the villain from the last game attacks me in the most goofy way possible. I am dropping it and I’m not looking back.

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I really liked the premise of this game but was just executed poorly. It felt like every decision in this game was a coin flip you either got it right or you got it wrong and have rewatch a 10-20 second un skippable cutscene that brought you back to same 2 choices. Another problem with the game is the button inputs. There’s times during a cutscene where you have quick time button input and if you fail you have rewatch a cutscene make choice and start the quick time again. Near the end of the game there is this long as quick time event, and I was so close to turning my psp off. Worst of all it’s not even scary, it’s straight up goofy if anything. Maybe in the second game it’s revealed that the main villain is just in the guys head but it feels stupid how the guy moves. You’re behind a rock, boom kills you. You’re behind a tree, boom he kills you. You’re running away from him, boom kills you from the front; why? Idk just cause.

This game annoyed the hell out of me. The second half of the game had me dying again and again to bullsh*t enemy placement. the music was good tho

I knew beforehand that the game was short so I wanted to see if I could beat it in one sitting. In what felt like 20 minutes I had beaten the game and now have a kirby sized hole in my heart. on to the next game.

Yokai Watch is a solid game. The music is so cosy and makes me feel happy hearing it. I like the Yokai designs especially jibanyan. I wish the food rates were better. And it’s impossible to 100% without editing the file.

This game improves upon the previous game. The graphics, video game music, game mechanics, story, game length, and more. i really enjoyed this game I like collecting the gems and loved upgrading my equipment I love the added feature of the cogs they made the game more enjoyable. I liked the idea of playing dot (A side character of the first game). I loved that we get more equipment than the first game and that really allows you to move really fast.

This game is very short but very memorable. I love collecting the ore and unlocking the equipment. I 100% it in the 4 and a half hours of playing the movement feels great and the power up were all good. The three main location were a little to similar but had enough differences to keep me going.

The Mini games in this game are okay. I can see myself playing on my ds to kill some time but thats about it

I didn't think I'd like this game cause I never knew anything about before I played. I saw this on a top 100 gba list and got it. This game was a breathe of fresh air. The gameplay felt new, the weapon making was fun, the story was alright. I had so much playing this on my ds and was so confused and sad when the credits started rolling.

I believe this is a remake of one of the first games so this was a really basic game. The music in this is good but every kirby game has good music

This was one of my first games that I played on the gba and I can easily say that it is still on of my favorites. I like the open-world aspect of it. I loved being able to collect the doors connecting to the different maps. Seeing the other kirby's doing they're own things was cool too. From time to time I still go to the extra's menu to play the music cause the songs in this are top tier. this is one of the best gba games