When I first played Minerva's Den, I thought it was almost the best BioShock THING. But I'm not gonna lie, after replaying a solid 2 hours of it, this is very boring and I don't really care much for it. I also don't care enough to finish it.

I decided to drop this after the game crashed lol.

I literally prefer everything in this game over BioShock 1 and ESPECIALLY Infinite. This is a controversial take for some reason, but I really found everything about this story better written than 1. Sure, 1 has audio logs but the base story of BioShock fucking sucks and I can't stand the twist because it's so derivative.

BioShock 2 on the other hand makes the game fun, and the world and story aren't as boring to me as BioShock 1. I guess some aspects of 2 feel a bit less impactful in terms of art direction and such but that doesn't matter to me as much considering I enjoy pretty much everything else.

One of my favorite games of all time, a hugely influential game for the medium going forward. I love it a lot, even if there's certainly a few issues, they're brief issues though. The final two levels and the ending are clearly made during a rushed time period. They blow by pretty fast but they're still pretty annoying. Take the very final level for example. One of the most notorious and annoying parts of any immersive sim just ever.

Regardless, a great game. Sucks how (literally) watered down the Shock games got past this one.

While it's not the worst, I really don't understand what people praise about this game. The audio logs, soundtrack, art direction and plasmids are the most unique things about it, and otherwise it just feels like a painfully derivative and badly written. The audio logs are prolly the best writing in the game I'd say.

If I were to compare this to System Shock 2 or any other shocklike, this game does most of what System Shock 2 does but badly. The one twist (which I will not spoil) that everyone praises so much is ripped from System Shock 2 and is not given enough time to actually develop at all in a way that makes you feel anything. If anything, this game is basically underwater DOOM 3.

I love nearly everything about this game minus 2 bosses. Four Kings and Bed of Chaos. Regardless of issues like that, Dark Souls still manages to be one of my favorite games. It puts you in this beautiful yet bleak world that I just can't help but love. I'm glad I played this game. (This is my first time finishing Remastered)

This is somehow a worse game than Silent Hill Homecoming. It feels like a weird attempt at mixing Silent Hill: Alchemilla (the fan HL2 mod) and P.T.

The story in this is so offensively bad and on the nose with how it portrays trauma. I get earlier entries in the series touched on those themes, however it was less in-your-face and annoying about how it touched on those things. The other games either left the themes to your own interpretation or had you observing other people's stories. This one tries to do that but feels too stupid and direct, the depression themes aren't even good. Every time something happens, the game covers your screen with a prevention hotline number and some other shit. You don't need to constantly show that. On top of that, the game isn't even deep either. It reeks of 40 year old boardroom men type shit. Speaking as a person who has been through some awful points in my life, this is so off from how shit actually is, and to try and tie it in with Silent Hill is just laughable.

The story is pretentious as hell and it feels even worse knowing that this was released with the thought that it was gonna resonate with someone.

Also the chase segments...Ooohhhhh the chase segments...They are my worst enemy. So you remember the weird black hole in Downpour? We can all agree that was annoying as hell, right? Well what if that happened again but you were trapped in a very dark and even more convoluted maze, with an enemy who will trap you in a way-too-long kill animation? Great idea, I know. Well that game has that exact thing.

Needless to say, as of now (not counting Ascension) this is the worst entry in the series.

I'm not a Puppet Combo fan but this was a legit fucking great imsim. It's very similar to Amnesia: The Bunker mixed in with Nun Massacre (a previous Puppet Combo title) and I love it so much.

It's nothing too big but it's definitely worth checking out for sure. Worth the money on a Steam sale. The ending I got is fucking bonkers too lol

Tried to give the game the benefit of the doubt with my series replay. I made it so close to the ending before the game finally crashed one last time, only for me to open the game once again and learn all of my saves are corrupted.

At first, I was on the more "This game is misunderstood" side of things, only for it to be a really harsh descent into hell from that point on. The second you get to Cairo, the game just sucks.

It is unfortunate that this game, which I'll give credit for being impressive as an immersive sim on console in the early 2000s, sucked this bad. It's odd too cuz I remember enjoying it a lot.

If I did have to give the game credit at all, I like the vibe, I like the music, I really like the gender option, and I think some of the upgrade system stuff is pretty neat, if streamlined. But overall...Fuck this game!

If it weren't for the technical problems, nothing story, bad gameplay and the chance of losing all of your progress in general, I would've appreciated this game more.

This game never gets old to me. No matter how many times I replay it, I discover something new. Something I've never noticed before.

Deus Ex revolutionized what an immersive sim was. Never have I played a game this open ended that even something as tiny as the health system is immersive. The upgrade system and augmentation systems are also very open ended in a similar way.

The story of Deus Ex is campy in a cute way, while simultaneously being really grounded in reality. The conspiracy theory aspects are entertaining whereas everything else hits really damn hard.

Though in terms of the conspiracy bits, there is never gonna be a time where I don't feel some kind of surprise when I realize what a plot element is. The first time I played this game, and I got to a certain moment, it was like a bomb had just been dropped. I was sitting there in awe for like a straight 5 minutes. It's so good.

I can't stress enough how good this game is.

This game is not as dated as people say it is in my opinion. It has a lot of aspects that are a little weird for today's standards, however, it still plays amazingly. Setting the grounds for what is, in my opinion, the best game genre ever, this game does it quite well I feel.

Sure, it's still the genre in its infant years at this point, but it offers a lot of unique and open ended game design that makes it fun. I really love the gameplay. The fact the interaction works almost like a point and click makes this game so much more entertaining to me.

If I had to criticize anything, it's the fact that the combat is a little jank. This issue would be solved in Looking Glass' later title System Shock, but it is kind of a problem here. Otherwise, it's alright. This game fucking rules.

Thief 2X is a cute little expansion for Thief 2. Following a different story and different characters. It's a little jank, AI is a little iffy, and the levels are capable of feeling very aimless. But it's still a good experience and it's worth playing!

Deadly Shadows is very different from Thief 1 and 2. Taking a far different approach and being more in line with the console gen at the time. Both graphically as well as gameplay wise, you can see a lot of technical limitation aspects such as the loading screens in between areas.

But regardless of that, this game, while janky as all hell and filled to the brim with bugs, I think it's my second favorite Thief title for sure. Each of these games are great (in the original trilogy atleast) and Deadly Shadows is such a good ending to said trilogy.

Storywise it has some iffy moments I'd say but I do really enjoy it. I see a lot of criticism on the levels but I personally love them all, which, regardless of me loving both previous games (especially T2 which is my favorite game ever made) I can't say the same for the first two.

Deadly Shadows' ending is also great in my opinion. Nowhere near as masterful in terms of framing and imagery as 2's is but it still gets the job done and is just as impactful as the previous entries.

Anyway I love this game, I love the Thief trilogy. They're all great. Except for the 2014 one which uh....yeah no.

Thief 2 is my favorite game of all time, I fucking love everything about it. Even if I admit that there's a handful of levels in here that I think completely suck, it's a game I consider perfect with a straight face. Soulforge and Casing the Joint, as well as the return level to the Lost City all suck ass (though I have some defenses for Soulforge)

However, I think there's something in particularly Soulforge that is genuinely enjoyable. It's a lengthy level but it feels like the true end of the whole game. Putting your skills you learned from every level prior to the ultimate test and setting you out in this large and albeit too long level that leads into one of the best endings in gaming.

I love the cutscenes in both this and Thief 1 but 2 definitely steps it up a ton I feel. The way everything is framed, how the scenes themselves are planned. It's so good.

Overall this game to me is amazing, while also being flawed in a handful of ways. But said flaws I can easily overlook. Therefore, Thief 2 is my favorite game of all time.