Thief Gold/The Dark Project is the beginning of my favorite game trilogy ever. It's rough around the edges but overall offers some very unique gameplay elements. This is one of the many times Looking Glass Studios changed the game for the immersive sim genre.

Thief 1, while having some rough levels and janky movement, is among my favorite games of all time. Every time I replay it, I find myself enjoying some of the more iffy levels and feeling more into its gameplay and the way it operates.

I definitely think out of the original trilogy, though, it's easily last place for me personally. But it's still very good and I suggest trying it if you're interested in more slowburn imsims. Easily one of the best stealth games of all time on top of that.

The original Deus Ex is one of my favorite games of all time, like top 3 for sure. I heard of the PS2 port being drastically different from the PC port and that got me very interested in the game. So you can imagine my happiness finding the game on the PAL PSN shop (I have an account for PAL regions and JP regions to play games that aren't on the US store)

I ended up buying it and god damn it is very impressive. There's a lot of tiny differences that make it very unique for a person very much acquainted with the PC port. This port has a handful of issues that are mainly technical related. Such as the framerate dipping constantly. However, the game is still entirely beatable.

I like small things like the UI differences and the character models being different. The game looks a lot darker too which, I oddly enjoy? It definitely isn't better than the PC port but it's still worth checking out!

Worst bubsy game, Bubby 3D is by far one of the funniest games ever made but this is fucking terrible

Weird remaster, DS version is much better. It's a short game so the 20 dollar asking price is...strange. But atleast you can play it. The biggest issue is that it is completely missing the vibe of the original game. But again, atleast you can still play it.

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Easily one of the worst games I've ever played. The gameplay is very repetitive and weak. The stalker AI is pretty basic. Every scare in this is jumpscares, if not that it's shock value horror. The puzzles aren't even good. Everything about this fucking sucks lol.

The worst thing, though, is the storyline. Definitely the perfect example of a story using sexual abuse for shock value. It chooses to be a campy shitpost mess for a while until it decides to drop "Oh yeah the protag is a victim of child prostitution" and it holds no weight on advancing the story whatsoever other than to have a pointless shoehorned trauma aspect. I get you're going for campy exploitation film vibes but this is all you need to ruin the fun your game could've had.

Fun, however, is a thing this game is not! I can't believe Puppet Combo's name is attached to this.

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Ok so yeah I tried so hard to get into this game but goth mommy vampire isn't gonna save it for me. I understand I'm in the minority for this but this game felt so damn boring past the first level. The first area was like something straight out of classic Resident Evil, therefore I liked it!

But then the first bossfight hits. Ok look, I know this issue could be resolved if I got a DLC, but no way in hell I'm spending 20 bucks on a DLC for a game I already dislike just to get third person mode.

The bossfight is not that difficult but it feels so awkward control-wise. The game controls like shit on PS4 so it's kinda weird to have to circle around this castle and shoot at dragon mom (Still would) but otherwise from that point onward, the game became extremely dull.

Namely, the one I hated the most was the Dollhouse. I was told it was the best part of the game, and so I was hype. But nah, it was just a slightly more atmospheric version of the Lucas escape room segment (Worst part of RE7) with a large baby crawling around.

The bossfight during the dollhouse was really damn underwhelming when literally everyone was telling me how good it was. You literally run around the house and stab a doll 3 times while it taunts you until you are let go.

The bossfights all around are really really dumb in my opinion. The fight with the weird gross fishman for example. That shit was so stupid. It was easy like the others but it was so damn pointless.

Anyway, I dropped the game after making it through to an entirely different segment but just decided the game was too damn boring and I didn't care enough to actually continue.

This is one of my least favorite Resident Evil titles. Maybe I'm come back to it, but in the meantime, it's a BIG no from me.

Ok so firstly, I really really enjoy the settings. The sound design is amazing. The art direction in this game is flawless and uhh...Yeah that's kinda all I like about it lol.

I do enjoy the Twin Peaks references up the ass, that's kinda what made me play the game in the first place. But otherwise, what I got was a story that didn't really interest me all that much mixed in with some of the most boring and dull gameplay I've experienced in a while. It's too repetitive for me to enjoy.

But regardless, it's not the worst? The things I like about it definitely do jump my score up a bit. So I think the game is just...Cool? Not something I'd personally call good, but it's interesting enough.

I kinda really like this game a lot....... So I know it's considered tHe WoRsT sIlEnT hIlL gAmE (fuck off Homecoming exists) but nobody I've known who hates this game, ever pays any attention to how fucking amazing the storyline is. On top of all that, the exploration gameplay is great. This is a thing the series has lacked for quite some time.

Silent Hill as a series has a heavy emphasis on exploration, but some of the previous games feel like they were lacking any of that. Downpour is semi-open world which is a choice that could go very well or very bad. But in this case, I genuinely believe it's the former.

The exploration in this really neat open world is just so damn interesting. All the sidequests are cool too.

Now let's talk about some of the things I don't like lol...Uhh...the combat is...Not the best lol

I don't think it's as bad as Homecoming but it's certainly a little strange. There's also the really bad enemy design. I think The Bogeyman and Wheelman look cool, and also I like The Dolls and Weeping Bats..But every other enemy in the game is just like "Hi yeah we exist and look funy waaah get scared"

THere's also the red glowing hole? Which is a thing Silent Hill 3 did...for one fucking scene. Oh yeah also the weird wheel things that shoot out blood or something that damages you. I think those are cool, but they feel kinda setpiece-y.

Regardless, I love this game a lot! It's the first one I played in the series.

Not the worst Silent Hill like a lot of people have told me. But a big reason why I love this one over 2 and 3 is because it's gotta be the most David Lynch shit ever.

The storyline is really gripping and trippy. The whole game felt like a lost episode of Twin Peaks and that's a big reason why I love it a lot.

Gameplay is eh. THe puzzle and exploration elements are great, but whenever a chase scene happens, it's repetitive. Atleast I know where to go during those scenes so things can be over quickly.

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The first time I played this, I was fucking confused man. Ok let's just get this over quickly.

The story in this game is really dumb. Essentially the really basic protag; Alex Shepard. Comes home to Shepard's Glen, a town made by ex-Silent Hill residents to get away from the cult stuff. But they had to make a pact to kill a child in their family's bloodline each time it progresses. Alex was supposed to be that kid, because his family prioritized Joshua. But Alex accidentally kills Joshua in the funniest scene possible (did he break his neck on the boat or drown???) even though Alex was supposed to be the one that died.

But here's the thing, when it comes to that twist, I don't know what got Shepard's Glen all foggy. Was it Joshua dying?? Or was it Alex being sent to a mental hospital...Oh yeah! That's another thing!

Alex comes home to Shepard's Glen from the war...right? Uhh no, fuck you, it's actually that he was in a mental hospital! Woaaaaahh!!!! And he also forgot that he killed his brother. So like half of the game is "Look for your little brother" until it's revealed. Like dude, you're not fuckin Silent Hill 2.

Okok so as for the other stuff. I give this game half star because the enemy design is good and so is the soundtrack and environments. Otherwise...It's...Really fucking bad.

The combat for example, there's attack combos now and takeout animations. It's so bad. Anyway, avoid this game lol

Every time I play this game, I find myself gaining respect in how it is presented. It looks like early Silent Hill, which I really like...But everything else, the story, combat, gameplay. It's fucking atrocious.

The game gives you like a billion weapons too, it's weird and adds comedy to the game. Storyline is really bland, and should've focused on Travis rather than being an origin story. The gameplay is buggy because the fixed camera angles and lack of tank controls still being here. Therefore jolting you around.

The combat is also real bad. I hate it. There's QTEs in the game now, because that was the thing ig.

Did you guys know the game was initially planned to be a dark comedy? Yeah I know, it's kinda hard to tell cuz even then the game is still goofy as fuck.

It's the best fucking one istg

The second half of the game is kinda iffy for some but I really love it. Overall, this game changes pretty much everything + adds a limited inventory! Say what you will, but those are my favorite inventory systems in games like this. Combat is a lot better too, which I understand in 1-3 it was intentionally bad to be immersive, but 4's combat is a nice breath of fresh air.

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This game is much deeper than anyone gives it credit. Heather is easily the most relatable Silent Hill protag. When it comes to the situations she goes through, such as stalking and loss and forced pregnancy, I feel like nobody gives the game credit for how it deals with these subjects.

While there's aspects of this game's symbolism that I personally can't exactly find myself in, I definitely think that out of all Silent Hill titles, Heather has to be the most down to earth and unfortunately very real representation of awful shit that people, particularly women, have to deal with on the daily basis.

Whereas James Sunderland was a bitch loser incel, Heather Mason is just an encapsulation of the struggles of simply being a woman.

Silent Hill 2 is considered one of, if not the best survival horror game of all time. But imo it's probably #4 of the series when it comes to my favorites. I think the Lynch-esque (particularly Mulholland Drive/Inland Empire) vibes are really good here, and I love the storyline and characters.

But 2 didn't really impact me as much as some of the later titles. Regardless, everything about this is great, I just don't consider it my personal favorite. Even then, it's a good ass game.

Big issue tho: I don't know why people call this game scary, it's moreso depressing. James Sunderland is also shitty! I hate!

I always find myself coming back to the Silent Hill series, and in particular I replay 1 the most. It's a game I can complete in less than an hour if I really felt like it, and when I decided to replay it and take things slow for a video, I came to the realization...

It's alright lol. Yeah I love the game but if I ever do what I am doing right now (replaying each of them in release order) I find myself continuously feeling less about this one than the others.