125 Reviews liked by Emivader

There's Star Wars. And then there's STAR WARS.

I was eaten alive by this game.

Smashed 60 hours out in one week and i regret fucking

Fucking AMAZING characters, by far the high point of this game. Beautiful cowboy epic tale, Personally loved the game play of it, not a whole lot of complaints about this boah.

That shit was so god damn good! Why was Halo 4 and 5 not just done by this team? Great cast of characters, The Banished were excellent villains, and the game didn't overstay its welcome while improving on the first in major ways. It has a bit of a "Halo 2" ending, but that's not entirely a bad thing. Although, I think it may continue in DLC? But, if so, that's kind of bummer simply because it's just making the game more expensive.

Super hard for me to review this. My most played game of 2019 but oh my god it sucks

Really fun game with insane replay value, but with as much depth as a bottle cap.

Why do I do this to myself? (lvl 163 currently)

Hay que jugar Man of Medan sabiendo a lo que te vas a enfrentar. Es verdad que no llega a la calidad vista en Until Dawn, pero puestos a analizar en contexto Man of Medan es incluso más rejugable que Until Dawn. Personajes algo planos y un final algo decepcionante. Sin duda es mucho más divertido si lo juegas con amigos. Veremos que tal se portan los de Supermassive Games con Little Hope

Halo 2 is what a sequel should do and expand upon the first game. We not only new types of enemies and weapons and different locations but also we get to play as the Arbiter. We get to play as the enemy! In the main campaign! Arbiter is an interesting character who goes through an arc about rebeling against the covenant and freeing his people. Along the way he has the ship commander Rtas by his side.
The villain, prophet of truth, is a manipulating bastard who is so cunning. Basically a religious antagonist who will throw a species under the bus just to gain control of the covenant. By his side is the brute general Tartarus, whose a dick to the elite race, and super satisfying to kill. Even if he was just as brainwashed by the prophets.
Overall the story of Halo 2 is great. I have even talked about the humans or the main character master chief! But yeah Halo 2 is great. Now it's time to finish the fight.

Best game in the series, genuinely charming and lovable Borderlands game. Fuck Randy Pitchford.

I came expecting a mindless shooter with acrobats, but i was surprised with unexpected fun.
People really slept on this game.....

Underrated absurd shooter. Super fun, silly and exciting.

Diaper Status: Nobody can hear you in space