125 Reviews liked by Emivader

harry didn't die for people to hate silent hill 4

Genuinely great writing, runs like a dream, fun engaging gameplay, wonderful multiplayer, no game since 2 has really captured the gears vibe perfectly, but it's still a fantastic cover based TPS

Dude this game is SCARY. The combat is very clunky but it works thematically, some of the best horror game sound design out there

Couldn't finish the game, too scary

Continuous freezing bugs and poor combat system end up ruining very good ideas, like a superb, gameplay bounded, implementation of the thirst for blood. A few months of extra polishing work and Vampyr could have been a remarkable game.

The PS2 and the PSP versions are the same. This is a good game especially if you're a fan of the show.

Basically just Star Wars halo, what more could you ask for?

Wasn't most of this game just running around as Obi-Wan beating the shit out of drug dealers?

Basically, the Citizen Kane of Star Wars.

Classic Bioware RPG back when Bioware was worth something.

the entire reason, to this day, that i am into star wars and rpgs. its absolutely phenomenal