125 Reviews liked by Emivader

My favorite mechanic of this game is when you beat it and the game immediately kicks you out to the console menu

Un juego orgulloso de sus referencias y que puede llevar su propia medalla con orgullo por ser capaz de ser un survival horror con su propia alma independientemente de las inspiraciones que tome de otros juegos del género.

This is it. This is the game with the most character ever made. No video game has half of the soul that this horrible buggy ugly piece of shit has.

/Have no choice but be isolated/
Furious arm flailing

there is one moment in the game where a really peaceful melody plays that made me almost cry
so yeah its everything it needs to be: funny, depressing, inspiring

No es mal juego, pero comparado con sus predecesores, deja mucho que desear. Aún así me gustó bastante.


I don't think this game is for everyone, the basic combat and the slightly janky controls won't get any better, you do get other abilities and moves that help you progress through the game but it'll still be janky and maybe somewhat hard depending on your skill level. If you're willing to accept the jank you'll be rewarded with a down to earth story about a man becoming extremely powerful to save the people he cares about and the whole world while dealing with some really corny stuff going on all over around you. Genuinely it's a game that despite the flaws it shines with charm and a funny sense of humour (even accidental)
Great music

Breakdown is a deeply haunted Japanese re-interpretation of Half-Life that pushes through its slog with sheer insanity alone.

This game is a TREAT.
Trippy, exciting, fun, great action, awesome world building, the dude who voiced max payne is in it, it has it all
A huge loveletter to the SCP Foundation, twin peaks, the x files, every good thing ever

I would give it a 4.5 if it didn't run like SHIT on ps4.

Great gameplay, atmosphere, and world. Lame, disappointing narrative.

I had an ok time playing outside of the Riddler stuff. At this point, I just wasn't invested anymore. I wish they used the better Azrael. The biggest issue for me however lies in... man I really hate militarized Batman dudes, it's just my pet peeve with the character

This one is a difficult one to talk about for a few reasons

The batmobile fucking SUCKS. Those tank sections may have been kinda okay on their own but the fact that they are mandatory and DENSELY laid out throughout the story is such a shitty bullshit piece of shit.
Also it's a bit of a shame with the Arkham Knight's identity because if you know ANYTHING about Batman it's extremely clear who he is in like.....his first appearance, and it became almost irritating to see everyone go "buh....b-but wh.....who IS he" Like bro it's * **** come the fuck on

but on the other hand it's the definitive batman experience gameplay wise and it fucking rules.

i was in love with markiplier in 5th grade. this game sucks

Speedrunning in this game is a ton of fun.