4 reviews liked by EpicSaxGuy

A very good argument against freedom of artistic expression

Played since the alpha and loved it pretty much the whole time. Internet people can be a bummer but if you have a good group of 5 to go in with there's a ton of fun to be had. I still play intermittently; in fact I just got off a great five stack and this game is just as fun as ever, even if it's missing a bunch of the old maps and modes.

Here's hoping some of that Microsoft money revives it. I want to see it become Microsoft's MOBA; put Master Chief, Marcus Fenix, Alduin, Senua... could be a hell of a thing. In the meantime I'm just grateful Blizzard keeps the light on for those of us still enjoying it.

Abathur main for life.

Card game that has a mini open world game built in it.

Nothing will ever beat 2016-17 overwatch