I got into this right after Super Metroid and I can say that Fusion is a departure from its predecessor with its unique formula. My whole review will be about comparing these two I guess.

Fusion prefers to go with a more linear structure. The game guides you which route you should take to advance the story which is entirely different than Super Metroid. In Super Metroid, game doesn't tell you shit, you gotta figure it all out entirely by yourself. Not just for getting the bonus upgrades, you have to find the essentials by yourself too. In Fusion, everything is handed to you, only true exploration is figuring out where the bonus upgrades are. Stuff like additional missle and energy packs which are not necessary to advance further technically but of course, they help you in your battles greatly.

Another difference is how the map is structured. Map consists of 7 different areas. All the areas are connected through a hub area. So, it's less tricky to navigate through the map, whatever you do is pretty much clear. I never go lost in this game unlike in Super Metroid. Fuck that sand level in Super Metroid. However, I also find it less creative compared to Super Metroid. In Super Metroid, all areas are interconnected with each other and finding those connections were more interesting. It adds to the exploration experience.

Even though Fusion decided to sacrifice those exploration elements, it excels at movement and combat greatly. Controlling Samus feels better in this game for sure. You character runs faster, grabs ledges which is a pretty good quality of life change tbh and has a toggle for missle and beam weapon switch. It's a lot easier to go in and out between those weapons which is sorely needed in Super Metroid. Also, one of the best changes is the timings of some of the essential skills in the game. Wall jumps and space jumps were a lot easier to execute in Fusion. Their timings were more forgiving compared to its predecessor. They drove me nuts in Super Metroid.

Apart from these quality of life changes, Fusion emphasizes on a challenging combat. In Super Metroid, common enemies didn't really pose a threat and bosses were kind of pushovers, you could cheese them easily. The challenge of Super Metroid was the platforming. I was more afraid of enviromental hazards than enemies.

In Fusion, the opposite is the case. Enemies hit harder and move faster. You have to dodge their projectiles and blast them in sight. You don't have the luxury of tanking the damage, especially in the early game even though they drop some health and ammo after death. Bosses are also a lot more challenging. They move faster and hit harder again. Also, you can't just damage them by spraying your ammunition. They expose their weak parts at certain points of the fight and you gotta land those shots accurately. Some of the bosses require a bit pixel perfect shots for some reason. That's the kind of challenge I prefer.

In short, Fusion is the linear but mechanically more refined version of Super Metroid. Both are high quality games and I'd say they're timeless.

PS: Mr. X like enemy design was really intriguing. I wish that enemy actually chased us a bit more throughout the whole map. That would be really intense. They didn't use it enough.

No wonder how this game bred a brand new genre and set high standarts from the very beginning.

I'm very impressed by the sheer creativity of its mechanics and map design. There are so many different stuff to discover in the most random places. I used X-ray almost everywhere I go but I still missed a lot of that random shit. The game forces you to think out of the box in order to get those sweet perks. For a SNES game, it's astounding.

Mechanics are also pretty tight and fairly responsive. However, they require some mastery, sometimes more than I can chew, to be precise. As a guy who sucks at platforming, I had a hard time doing the wall jumps and space jumps. Figuring out their timings were rough. I finished the game and I still can't do them consistently but I'm sure it can be done. I've seen some playthroughs, Samus looks like a god in the hands of great players.

I also like the visual style. It feels both colorful and dreadful at the same time. It gives you the feeling of isolation but also it is a feast for your eyes. Delicious.

In short, this game is a substantial accomplishment in its era. The size of this freaking game is 3 MB but it offers so much for you to play with. I could give it even a higher score if its platforming aged more gracefully. I had some difficulties and struggling with the core mechanics can be frustrating.

PS: Shout out to the composer, this soundtrack sounds really sick. Omnious and badass at the same time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9ieYLHc1fQ&ab_channel=7GamerMinutes%2B%3AVideoGameMusic

Kill Nazis The Videogame!

New Order is an FPS that maintains a solid balance between presenting a satisfying gameplay and atmosphere.

Gameplay consists of shooting galleries and stealth sections. If you fail stealthy approach when needed, you'll be surrounded by a lot of enemies instantly. It can be hard to deal with hoards of enemies in this case, especially if you play in the hardest difficulty like I did.

How does the combat feel? There is nothing that special but it gets the job done. You have a pistol for steath, then assault rifle, shotgun and a sniper. The weaponry is rather generic except for your special weapon, Laserkraftwerk. You shoot lazers with this badboy as the name suggests. You can either shoot lazers normally or do a charge shot. With charge shot you can either focus on a singular target which is a devastating blow or focus on multiple targets at once. Using the charge shot feels really nice even though it depletes you whole battery pretty quickly.

However, the coolest part about the combat is dual wielding. You can hold two weapons at the same time. You can run around with two shotguns or assault rifles and shoot the seperately. You can dive in into 5 enemies and blast them like a maniac(if you play in easier difficultes tho). That is the most Doom-like badassery you can get from this game.

I also like the enemies. They look really imposing. Even the generic foot soldiers look like they can fuck you up. They look bulky and well protected. I love the pitch black armor they're wearing.

What about the story? Not bad tbh. Imagine a world Germans won WW2 and conquer the world. Our stoic protagonist stuck in a mental asylum in Poland as an American. Years later, he learns that the Nazis has won and he plans to gather a resistance group.

What I like about the story is all the details that were put behind the scenes. Nazi occupied almost all countries and dominates them not only in military power, also culturally. You can learn all about it in newspaper you'll find throughout the game. For instance, Brits stops eating fish and chips and decides to replace it with traditional German sausage. You can also find some of the music produced during Nazi era. Bands like Beatles converted their music into German to appease Nazi regime. That was a nice touch. Other than these details, general plot isn't necessarily impressive though.

In summary, it's a cool action-stealth shooter with a bit of a wacky but enjoyable story. I wish it had a bit more variety in weapons and combat in general. Some of the parts of the game became a bit stale.

I've heard of Bulletstorm long time ago but thanks to PSN, I decided to play it just couple of days ago.

Bulletstorm is nothing but a dumb fun action shooter with good mechanics. I love it.

The primary mechanic in this game is to make your enemies in float in the air slow motion. You can do it in multiple ways: by kicking them, sliding through them or pulling them with your leash.

That's what makes the combat great. You can mix in your slides, kicks and leash and destroy your enemies either with your weapons or the enviroment. My favorite combo was pulling an enemy, sticking a bomb to him, kicking him back to his group and detonating the bomb for the big group kill.

The game also incentivizes you to go for these big comboes and enviromental kills by giving you extra credits when you pull them off. You use these credits to upgrade your weapons and buy extra ammo. If you play the game like COD, you're not gonna earn shit. That's how you make a compelling system. I wish there were more variety in upgrades.

What about the story, dialogue, characters, atmosphere and all that jazz? You'll forget everything about them right after you finish the game. There is really nothing to it. I'm personally not a story guy in action games but I think if Bulletstorm had quality characters and dialogues like Uncharted, it could have been a classic hit. The foundation is superb but they didn't polish the rest of it.

Anyway, it's a badass game with fun mechanics. Action fans should check it out.

I started this game right after Resident Evil 4 last year but I finally beat it this time because I insisted on playing it in co-op lol.

Resident Evil 5 is quite different from the other RE games that I have played so far. Capcom flipped the switch and decided to make an arcadey action game instead of horror. The game consists of stage by stage linear levels instead of having interconnected explorable areas. What you entirely focus on is combat. The game is a shooting gallery.

This design is a mixed bag I think. At one hand, it is fun as a co-op experience. You feel like going through hell but manage to overcome the challenge with your co-op buddy. You can save, heal and exchange items with your friend in the heat of the battle. It can be exhilarating. The funniest thing is, just like Resident Evil 4, you can just buy a rocket launcher and one shot any boss with it if you get bored lol. That's what we did in Wesker fight in the final.

On the other hand, it looks like a lackluster single player experience compared to the other games in the series. Not much special going on with the formula of this game. There is nothing extraordinary about the combat, the level design or the atmosphere at all. I imagine it would be a lot more forgettable as a single player.

Still, for its co-op experience, it deserves at 3.5 stars. It is fun and goofy. Find yourself a buddy and try this one out.

PS: This game needed a bigger inventory space. Since its a full blown action game, let us carry more shit.

After finishing RE2, I can say that RE3 is a bit lackluster. Not bad at all but it's not up to par. Let's get into it:

First of all, I realized some sort of a trend in Resident Evil games. Their first levels are great, then the rest of the game never reaches that quality. I felt the same thing in this one as well. I guess that's the strategy Capcom is deliberately going for RE games.

Anyway, the thing with RE3 is that it is fast paced. Levels are smaller, ammunition is plentiful and our character Jill is more agile than Leon. She can roll away from attacks now and runs a bit faster. For some reason I felt than way.

This design choice is a bit of a mixed bag. At one point, as an action fan, I like it. Especially pulling those perfect rolls are satisfying. However, the levels are uninspiring because of this design choice. Even if you try to discover stuff instead of blitzing through, it doesn't feel as satisfying as in RE2. Best part of the game was the initial area where you roam around the chaotic and ruined streets of Raccoon City but it took me less than an hour to finish it. And that was me trying to discover every corner of the city.

Another elephant in the room is your arch enemy, aka Nemesis. He relentlessly chases you throughout the game and you get to have a boss fight against him 4 times. He simply does not stop. I like his agility and long range attacks. Since you have a roll ability now, it is fair that Capcom gave him some moves. However, for some reason, I don't think he feels as menacing as Mr.X. You stop shitting your pants after some time when you see Nemesis unlike Mr.X. You know that you're gonna kick his ass again for sure.

Anyway, this game is simply the faster version of RE2. You go in and blast the fuck through everything. It is a solid experience but a step back compared to its predecessor.

After playing og Resident Evil 4 last year, I decided to get into the other games of the franchise and this is the first one I've finished 2 days ago.

I had a single playthrough with Leon and I can say that it's a really good experience overall. Especially the initial impression is pretty solid. Police station is a fantastic area. Really atmospheric and gorgeous. I was thoroughly immersed. Not only that, I really like how the map is connected and the way it opens up. Keeps up your curiosity and gives you good rewards for your efforts. Also, puzzles are fairly intriguing. Overall, this area has a pretty solid Metroidvania formula.

Then Mr. X comes along and totally changes the pacing of the game. You are no longer allowed to slowly discover the rest of the collectables, now you have to blast through the whole map to complete your main objective. You gotta dodge both Mr X and the zombies. I was also impressed by this idea. Really intriguing way to throw off the player and give a unique challenge.

However, I think the best part of the game ends there unfortunately. I don't think Sewers and Laboratory are as interesting and well thought as Police Station is. They feel a bit generic and sloppy. Especially Sewers is a big downgrade after Police Station. This is the biggest disappointing part of the game for sure. Capcom starts the game with a bang then doesn't deliver the same impact for the rest of the game.

Apart from the areas, let's talk about some of the fundamental aspects of the game. The movement and shooting is stiff but satisfying. I like to dodge zombie grabs with my slow but sharp turns, it requires some skill and timing. I also like that zombies are not necessarily meant to kill. I preferred to blast their legs so that they can't reach me.

Item management was intense but again, satisfying. You gotta think about when to grab which item and when you are willing to backtrack. Definitely adds the experience.

Weapons and items are versatile, all of them have their unique uses. However, I think Resident Evil 4 kicks RE2's ass with its awesome weaponary since its a full blown horror-action. I guess I'm more of an action guy. But I haven't played with Claire. She might have some awesome weapons. We'll see.

In short, Resident Evil 2 kicks some ass for sure. It's a damn good survival action horror game with its atmosphere and tight gameplay. I'll be back with RE3 Remake shortly, I just finished it today.

This is one of those games I would fall in love with it if I played it when I was a kid. It's so badass and stylish. You step into the gangsta world and rise up through the ranks by beating the shit out of people. The whole cast consists of real life rappers like Snoop Dogg, Ice-T and Ludacris. Tbh, not only rappers, badass dudes like Danny Trejo and Henry Rollins are in the game lol.

The game has a satisfying combat with its awesome animations and solid depth. There are 5 different fighting styles for you to pick and you can combine any 3 of them max and each combination has their own unique moveset.

There is also a good learning curve, you can't just mash buttons to go through the levels. You gotta use the enviroment, learn how to counter and break grabs. Especially in the late game, you'll need to figure out the timings of your opponents because your mindless agression will be punished by their counters. You gotta know how to be defensive too.

Hardest part is the early game because you start with only one fighting style and your stats are very low compared to your opponents. So, expect to lose majority of the early fights 2 to 3 times but you'll pick it up eventually.

Anyway, this is a manly as fuck game with its brutal combat, gangsta as hell characters and stylish visuals. Also, the soundtrack is absolutely fire. I found myself hyping myself up before the fights while listening to the awesome tracks of the game lol. Totally worth playing.

This was the only moba I actually loved and played it non-stop for almost 3 years. It had fantastic maps, characters, visual design and casual friendly enviroment. Character designs were really creative. You can't see unique and awesome characters like Murky, Abathur, Cho'gall and Medivh in any other moba.

Blizzard definitely pushed their limits with this game but HOTS couldn't garner the popularity and praise that it deserved. Somehow, Blizz managed to fuck it up just like they did in Overwatch. They could have had their own Smash Bros. So disappointing.

PS: I was a filthy Murky main and my second favorite was The Lost Vikings. I was such a troll lol.

This is a game that works wonderfully as a co-op experience but as a single player, it is lacking. There are amazing characters and great combos you can do with them but when you play it as a single player, you can't do any of that. In fact, your AI enemies get to do all that cool shit, they literally brutalize you with the sickest moves when given the chance.

First of all, this game is really difficult. I played 88(out of 100 in total) levels on normal difficulty and I still don't know what the hell am I doing at all. Instead of feeling like a badass and comboing the shit out of my enemies, I had to maneuver around constantly and cheese my enemies with some of the cheap attacks. Especially low attacks can be really confusing for AI. Also, you can stun your enemies over and over when you throw them over the wall with your throws or strikes.

The problem is that you can't rely on your parries because their timing are very specific and there is no room for error in this game. Your enemies gang upon you so fast even in the slightest whiff, they constantly try to circle around you and juggle you to death if you make any mistake. You have to consider you spacing and positioning all the time and instead of going for combos and shit, you have to cheese the game unfortunately. That's why you can't stay in close range for long, you always have to run around, take some cheap shots and run back.

Staying in close quarters is not viable not just for group of enemies though, sometimes fighting against a single powerful enemy can be problematic. One of the most annoying parts of the combat is the throws. I finished the damn game and I still couldn't figure out the timing to break the freaking throws. That's why fighting against Jake and Golem was the biggest challenges of the game. After I beat Golem in 1v1 after many many tries, I decided to change the difficulty to easy instead of normal and beat the game that way, so that I can unlock the other modes.

Looks like I'm bitching a lot but the foundation of the game is actually really solid. Animations and movesets are really badass when you manage to pull them off, even though they are straight up ripped off from Tekken. Also, even though AI is ruthless, almost unfair sometimes, it is really impressive. I've never played against such a smart AI in any action game. When you beat a level with your own tactics, you feel the accomplishment.

Also, as I said, this game looks awesome as a local multiplayer beat-em up. Namco really focused on making a diverse and fun as hell local multiplayer experience with all the characters and their cool moves. You can even make a bunch of tag moves given the situation. Just look at this, it looks fun as hell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaA8cUXcDh0&ab_channel=MaximilianDood

In short, Urban Reign is for the maniacs that are into tough as nails action games. People say God Hand is difficult, nah dude, this is the real shit right here. If you're one of those psychos, check this one out.

PS: The moves and the animations of the main character feels dull compared the rest of the cast. That's why, it feels really cool to play with characters like Park and Chris in Free Mode after you beat the game.

I'd pretend that I loved this game if I played it when I was in my teenage years. I was into depressive and surreal stuff but I'm a simpler man now.

I admire the atmosphere and the setting of this game. It doesn't rely on cheap scare tactics at all, it makes you feel uneasy with silence and isolation. I like the visual design, how muddy and dirty it looks, it is visceral. That's the kind of horror makes stuff memorable. I'll give some credits to Konami for this aspect of the game.

However, other than these, nothing feels worthwhile to get through this experience in my opinion.

Gameplay is really basic, no unique mechanics at all. Controls are clunky but it is kinda expected. There are also overabundance of resources, there is no challenge at all in combat. Basically, playing the game feels like a slog.

What about the story since its the primary reason for all the praise it gets? Its the kind of story where you'll have to look for some in-depth story analysis on web to truly understand what the hell was your whole experience is all about. I don't really crave this kind of abstact storytelling anymore unless it feels really captivating and profound with its worldbuilding and characters. I think Silent Hill 2 had none of those unfortunately. Even though I was curious for some of my playtime, in late game I realised that it's one of those "you won't understand shit" kind of stories and I was right. Silent Hill 2 feels like one of those artsy fartsy movies that make you feel confused and make you say "That's it?".

I also want to mention that the voice acting was tacky. I think Konami didn't want to spend their budget on good casting and decided to work with very first American actors they could find in Japan. It feels that lame. However, I also gotta say that, the lackluster voice acting also fits the bizzare nature of the game as well. If you think that way, it can enhance your experience but it didn't work out well for me.

In short, yes, I will watch an analysis video of this game just for the sake of it. Maybe, there is something profound out there to justify the whole experience. But my initial impression is not that satisfactory.

PS: Not gonna lie, this franchise some fantastic tracks and this game's best track is Theme of Laura. I used to listen to it way back in the day but I guess I didn't hear it even once in the game.

Here I am, thinking that MGS was a wacky game with its narrative but Konami stepped up their game with MGS 2, even though both stories share a lot of similarities. This one was a plot twist generator(it becomes a bit ridiculous tho) with a lot of surreal moments. At some point, when you're in Arsenal Gear, the game feels like a sci-fi horror with the codec calls. It was trippy as hell and I really liked it.

When it comes the idea of Patriots, I guess Kojima borrowed some ideas from The Matrix and Brave New World. Especially their philosophy reminded me the system of Brave New World. Creating an absolute autonomy on people's lives and eradicating the free will for the sake of consistent coexistence of humankind. It is the same dilemma with the book. Really interesting stuff indeed.

Not only the story, gameplay quality elevates quite a bit. Including new mechanics like lunging forward, hanging down and climbing makes the experience more nuanced. And obviously the biggest change is, being able to shoot in first person view. That is definitely a game changer feature.

The only thing that is lacking compared to the prequel is the map design, both aesthetically and functionally. Big Shell feels bland and soulless compared to Shadow Moses. Even the first ship section with Snake is more memorable that Big Shell. Also, I'm not super fond of the bosses in this game for some reason. Even though they are more comfortable to fight against mechanically, they felt lacking in personality compared to the cast of the prequel. There is no guy like Psycho Mantis in this one.

In short, I think this game is a definite upgrade of MGS with its creative story, polished mechanics and again, crazy amount of unique character interactions and details. My favorite section was taking the photos of Metal Gear. There are a lot of goofy pictures you can take and surprise Otacon.

Let's see if the third game is able to put even more unique stuff to the table since everyone goes nuts over it. I'm looking forward to it.

PS: I kinda respect Solidus, I would consider joining him if I was Raiden lol. It would be choosing the lesser evil.

A visionary cinematic experience from 6th generation, a cheesy and goofy one with its story but it is ahead of its time nonetheless.

What makes this game truly impressive is all the details and unique interactions you can find. Using carboard boxes to get transported around the map, making noises when you run around metal grates, knocking the walls to distract guards, using cigarette smoke to make lasers visable, making footprints in snow, using a freaking ketchup to get out of prison... There are so many intricate details to play around and I had so much fun to figure it out.

Aside from those mechanics, there are a lot of character interactions and meta moments you can come across to. For instance, when you kill a couple of rats after the first sniper boss, Colonel calls you to stop wasting your time. The whole Psycho Mantis section is also super fun and meta. Not only he reads your memory card, he also make a character analysis based on your gameplay style. I guess this kind of design what makes Kojima the guy he is in the industry.

However, I don't think this game didn't age that gracefully when it comes to controls and camera. Character movement and enemy hitboxes are super wonky sometimes. It is hard make consistent plays. It is a product of its time when you look at its controls.

In short, I like this game and looking forward to play the sequel. Post-credits reveal made me really curious about what's going on in the story.

PS: I think Meryl and Snake didn't work as a couple, it was outta nowhere. They had no chemistry.

It's pretty dope beat em up with unique mechanics and a wacky story.

What makes this game unique is its customisable combo system. You can set up your moveset with 80-90 different punches and kicks you buy. All the moves you buy serve a different purpose; you use them for juggling, launching, guard breaking etc. Also, the animations of your moves are sick. You look like a total badass when you do your combos, Clover really nailed that power fantasy aspect.

I also want to mention about the difficulty. I don't think its as hard as people talk about. Yes, character has tank controls like Resident Evil 4 and you can get surrounded pretty easily but game helps you in multiple ways, you just gotta be mindful. You have powerful roullette moves to deal with big crowds and you also have your god hand which makes you invulnerable. If you don't have them, there are some busted low attack moves that dodges your enemies' high attacks automatically. If you get frustrated in a 1v1, you can cheese the fight with these low attacks. There were only 2 levels in the chapter 8 that frustrated me, other than those, the game is fair.

In short, if you like crazy action games with old school controls, check this game out.

This is one of those hidden gems of the last year. I just found it randomly in ps plus and wanted to try it out with little to no expectations. I must say that I am blown away by its action. It is literally a John Wick simulator through and through.

It is a non-stop action game for 5 hours straight, the flow of combat is perfect and very immersive thanks to great sound design and fantastic animations. Especially gun combat is simple but very effective, you get to steal the guns from your enemies in the heat of the moment and rip apart the rest of the guys in seconds. You can even do close combat finishers with guns aka doing gun fu like John Wick.

If you're looking for a fast paced beat em up, just turn your brain off and go for it. It makes you feel like a badass.

Lastly, I want to shout out to the developer, the guy did this game by himself and the result is surprisingly great. I hope we'll see more stuff from him with a passionate team.