Definitely doesn’t feel like an RPG anymore. It’s hack and slash without the skill. Piss easy game even on the hardest difficulty, this is due to respawning mid fight with the bosses at half health. The numbers and leveling really don’t matter, it’s all for show.
But the characters are fantastic, so much so I can’t hate the game.

It’s the best version of Persona 3 to play, but it’s missing some of the vibes of FES. There is something distinct about the original, probably the mid 2000s anime aesthetic, and PS2 graphics which is probably just my nostalgia. Other than that if you like Persona or Megami Tensei you should play it.

One of the top 3 best Zelda games ever, this game still holds up to this day. Still waiting on the Switch port.

Sucks, worst of the series. Bad graphics, bad progression (exp share), and cut content. Ruined the possibility of genuine Sinnoh remakes, the dream is dead. Platinum is better just go play that one.

Best game of the 7th generation.

First RPG and Pokémon game Ive played. I loved it as a kid and still do now. Play it if you like Pokémon, other than that I couldn’t see anyone getting into the series past 12 years old.

Good, but not as good as the first. Dialogue is the most millennial Disney Channel shit ever.

Well worth the wait. I know some people didn’t like it, but I really loved this game. I’ll go over the obvious talking points. The gameplay is great, the world, the music, and mechanics are amazing. That being said the plot must of been an afterthought because I did not follow it at all. All the endings suck (minus one which was alright), and the characters weren’t even written at all. All that aside, this was my favorite game of 2021, and my favorite game on the Nintendo Switch.

Horrible. I played this one after ELITE when I got the switch bundle and it ruined so much of that story. It is mostly filler, with dialogue of what you would expect from filler. Just nonsense side plots about characters that already had their arch in the last game, and worst of all Daru. I hate Daru now. He has a wife and kid, and will not shut up about it, and he’s obsessed with lolis, he will not shut up about how he wants to fuck lolis so help me god. Genuinely the worst game I have ever played.

This was the last SCI ADV game I’ve played, and it really soured me on the series. Hopefully I will regain interest when I play the CHAOS games.

Loved it the first time, it got me into the rest of the Shin Megami Tensei series. But that’s the problem. The rest of the SMT series including Persona opened my eyes to the rest of the games and what they had to offer. Now I see it as a bit too easy, and the story a little goofy. But I have to at least give it 4 stars, because I was up several nights playing this one.

Favorite game of all time. The music, the art, the dungeons, and most of all toon Link. The peak of Zelda despite the obvious cut backs they had to make due to time restraints.

I understand why people love the new direction of Zelda, but it really isn’t for me anymore. Still enjoyed what I played, but skeptical for the future.