34 reviews liked by Eviscerator

The remaster is fine. It's the first three tomb raider games bundled together in one easy to navigate and use package. So why am I giving this such a low rating, then? The EULA. I recommend you read it. Two things stood out. They reserve the right to own and sell any mods made by fans and they can terminate the agreement without any warning including taking away our right to play the game. Buying this game means you don't own it. So I suggest pirating it. Since you don't own it when you buy it, pirating it isn't stealing it.

A este juego solo lo salva que lo juego con mi amigo Edu que es como el tío del Geoguesser que reconoce Matalascañas en un nanosegundo pero con las divisiones de los soldados clon

this is a game of very high highs and painful lows. for every motorcycle chase or insane boss fight, there are equal slow moments in both the story and gameplay that slowed the games pace to a painful crawl, to where even someone like me who hasn't played the original yet can tell that this is dragged out. however, uematsu went hard with the ost and those last few chapters besides some confusing story elements went IN so most things are forgiven

I get why people hated this game, but as a very classic and straightforward Pokémon experience on the Switch it suited my needs perfectly. I don't hate the chibi presentation, but it definitely looks low-effort all around.

¡Increíble! El mundo ya se siente súper vivo, es entretenido de explorar, la actuación de V (versión femenina) es súper carismática y arreglaron todos los bugs con los que tenía conflicto.

El DLC agrega mucho a la historia y al mundo. La actualización del sistema de progreso y fluides de armas te permite hacer cosas increíbles y es tal vez el shooter más fluido que he jugado hasta ahora.

Es un juego que siento puedo volver a jugar cuando sea y por eso se convierte en uno de mis favoritos de todos los tiempos.

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Guys we just have to empathize with her harder we can't rebuke her for trying to implement human instrumentality, that would be kinda mean. Man this was cornier than some of the biggest offenders from the base game (Law "revenge is le bad" anyone?) but at least it was still super pretty, and a few of the side quests I managed to do all of were ok

Funny though how they saw the negative reception to that massive slog of a final dungeon from the main game and said hell yeah, let's do exactly that again - repetitive skit dialogue and all. Cowards couldn't even give us an on-screen marriage proposal or wedding (or anything with Rinwell/Law or Dohalim/Kisara). Like cmon, you KNOW the fans who'd buy this DLC a whole 2 years later wanna see that cute shit. I p-worded this but $30 is definitely a crazy asking price

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This was disappointing. That was an awful ending.

Story (1/3) - It was so good till the halfway point. Just randomly Nazamil decided to leave the group, then the story was fetch quests the video game for 4 hours. Then you find out Nazamil is turning people into slaves....how??? She is now just able to activate the mauzaliums. Then she suddenly listens to nobody when they meet. What a destruction of character development. She was an interesting character till then. Horrible writing. Then at the end, she just leaves and they let her....after the whole point of the game was that she is alone and everyone treats her badly. As if people will forgive her for making them slaves. This was so bad.

Gameplay (2/3) - Same as the main game. The only real issue is that enemies are too tanky. Why do they have so much health, makes boss fights almost 30 minutes long at max level.

Performance (2/3) - Voice Acting was really bad during many skits, where the VAs sound like they gave one shot to read the lines. Graphics are amazing, absolutely beautiful. Some FPS drops in the more graphically enhanced areas.

So this was my first Tales game, and I've just replayed it in anticipation for its DLC.

To be honest, I adore this game. Apparently a lot of Tales fans hate it, but I cannot fathom why. It has one of the best, most well handled casts I've seen, an incredibly fun and stylish combat system, a highly interesting world, and fantastic themes.

The only knock I could give this game is that the story itself... it's not BAD. But it's pretty standard. It works more as a vessel to realize the characters and themes rather than being something super crazy. I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing though, because the characters and themes more than make up for that.

Wonderful game that I was more than happy to visit again.

blahblahblah MAGIC!

You know what this game needed? More Hootle. More freaking Hootle and Law, fighting for the love of their lives, to the bitter end.

Seriously though, I went into this game completely blind and came out in love with the cast of characters. Having not touched a Tales game in nearly a decade (besides a replay of Symphonia) I had forgotten the masterclass of character growth and banter these games are rightfully known for. Top notch voice talent helped to push it even further.

The combat is crisp, responsive, and so damn pretty that sometimes I even forgot that some of these enemies (and not just bosses) have way more HP than they have any right to. The combo abilities between party members never got old, even after the literal thousandth time (1,157 to be exact!). This element of battle was hands down my favorite.

The story has some high peaks but also some low valleys. There was a point maybe 2/3rds of the way in that started to feel like a visual novel, and I was losing the plot for a bit there. With the budgets that modern games have you don’t often see what we were used to years ago: a strong (aka fully budgeted) opening and mid game only to be let down by a massively under budgeted and rushed final act. I don’t think Arise suffered from that symptom, but I still felt some pacing issues. Arise still does a great job branching out from the ‘small people problems’ into ‘whoa big world crisis problems’ and I enjoyed that immensely.

The difficulty was a bit of a roller coaster ride as well, but I appreciate that you can change the difficulty on the fly and actually benefit from playing it a bit harder. I think I played 70% of the game on hard, but for some bosses I knocked it down (Ooze Hive I hope you rot in hell you add spawning bastard!). At other points I did that for the dungeon, just because some of these normal mobs have too much HP and never really felt in danger, so they were just sponges for damage.

Oh! And the music! Wow, I admit I’ve never been a huge fan of Motoi Sakuraba, but this is by far one of my favorite soundtracks they’ve worked on. The different areas, being very distinctive in the game, also featured very distinct music, and each piece fit the theme for the zone. The battle music never got old, no matter how many times I heard it, and the ex dungeon battle and boss music? Perfection!

This is also the first Tales game I’ve ‘100%’ and I’m glad I did! There are things the devs did here to respect the players time that I wish other game companies, especially in the JRPG space, would take note of. Finishing the game at around lvl58 I thought I’d be grinding for hours to reach max level, but the ex dungeon had other thoughts. First boss down, the game asked me if 3 levels was enough? Oh, not quite huh? Well can’t please everyone, so the next handful were advancing me 4-5 levels at a time. And the ex dungeon featured one of the hardest boss fights I’ve experienced in an action JRPG, to the point my fingers were a bit achy after the 12 minute slog. Well worth the experience.

I cannot wait to see where Bamco goes next with the series, and think I might take a deep dive into the many Tales games I’ve skipped over the years.

And, please, for my fanservice needs, can we get a spin off with just Law, Rinwell and Hootle? Tales of Arise: Three’s Company. Please!