The story was bad but I liked swinging around NYC and getting all of backpacks

Ultimate comfort game, the amount of times I have just opened up the story mode and done a playthrough, or done a few Platinum runs of the mission mode. Spectacular

I like a lot of the additions but I feel like the pacing of the game just feels too long and the caves are too tedious at times. Pikmin 4 improved upon this so much and I can really see the foundations of that here

Barely functional, terribly paced. Every new Pokémon game that releases you can feel how much further rushed the developers are and it just makes each new game feel even more hollow than the last.

This game was really good but I think the pacing of the cutscenes was too heavy-handed and I got burnt out around 50 hours in just because it felt like I could barely progress without triggering a 30 minute cutscene.